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PIM Advanced product feature configuration

Add feature importance values and define, whether features can be edited on products and product items, or only on product items. These settings can be configured independently for each classification or product category.


The advanced product feature settings are configured in the censhare Client, in the Product category assets.




For a more complex product feature handling, some advanced settings are available in censhare PIM:

  • Feature importance defines values from low to mandatory. The feature importance can be defined individually for each Product category. For example, the product feature Color can be mandatory in the Product category Clothing, but can have low importance in the Product category Tools.

  • Feature on product or product item sets a Boolean that defines, whether a product feature is added to a Product asset or to a Product item asset. The feature importance can be defined individually for each Product category. For example, in the Product category Clothing, the product feature Color is added to Product items, because each product is available in different colors. In the Product category Tools, the product feature Color is added to Products, because the different variants of a tool have all the same color.

The advanced product feature settings Feature importance and Feature on product or product item are stored as child features in the respective Feature asset reference. When a product is assigned to a category, the product feature is added to the Product asset together with the advanced settings.


To configure the advanced settings of a product feature, proceed as follows:

  1. In censhare Web, open the Products page in the Side navigation.

  2. In the classification tree, select and open the desired Product category.

  3. Go to the Details tab, and in the Status properties widget, copy the ID of the Product category.

  4. Open the censhare Client and paste the Product category ID in the search field.

  5. In the search result, right-click on the Product category asset and select Edit metadata ► Edit metadata.

  6. In the Edit metadata dialog, select the Features tab and go to the desired Feature (product) entry.

  7. Click the indented icon below the entry.

  8. To define an importance value, select Feature importance (product) and then select one of the values Low / Medium / High / Mandatory.

  9. To set the Feature on product or product item, select the respective item from the drop-down list. By default, the field is enabled. This means, that the product feature can be added either to a Product asset or to its Product item assets.

  10. If you disable the field, the product feature can only be added to a Product asset, if no Product items exist. If a Product has Product items, the feature can only be added to the Product item assets.


In the Properties dialog of a Product or Product item, the product features are displayed or hidden according to the Feature on product or product item setting. The feature importance is displayed in brackets and indicated in the input field.

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