Resolve content & geometry updates in layouts (censhare Web)
See the status of geometry updates in your current layouts and resolve them manually.
The workflow is carried out in censhare Web, in the Editor for Adobe InDesign documents.
A layout has been created and content has been placed.
When you work on a layout in the Editor for Adobe InDesign documents, icons in the toolbar indicate whether any boxes or content have been edited outside the layout and need to be updated. These changes may be related to the content of the layout or to its geometry, such as the position of a layout box. You choose when to apply the updates to the current layout. This gives you more control while editing a layout in censhare Web.
Editor for Adobe InDesign Documents: preview of the selected (double-sided) pages (1), review bar to leaf through the preview pages (2), toolbar with icons for editing: Refresh local changes (3), Content update status (4), geometry update status (5), place snippet (6), place asset via snippet (7), change template (8), generate PDF (9), preview on/off (19), zoom menu with zoom levels (11)
Content updates
Content updates refer to any updates on text or image placed in the layout.
Geometry updates
Geometry updates refer to any changes to the layout such as the position or size of layout boxes, or page format changes, or page renumbering.
Status indication
In the Editor for Adobe InDesign documents, the following icons indicate the update status:
Content update available
Geometry update available
Content and geometry update available
No updates available
Update the status
If there is a content or geometry update available, the icons are highlighted in blue. If there is no update available for the layout, the icons are greyed out.
For a description of all available actions from the toolbar and a description of further icons, seeEdit layouts.
To update the content of the layout, click
To update the geometry of the layout, click
The document is checked out and re-rendered. The updates are applied.
The layout can only be updated separately for each type of update. You can either update all content changes, or all geometry changes. It is not possible to update a particular box.
Note:If a box can be edited locally, this is indicated as usual with the "Refresh" button. Click "Refresh" to update all local changes.
Note:In the censhare Client, you can place XML content in an Adobe InDesign layout using XML transformation assets. The transformation assets can be marked with censhare content tags. With censhare content tags, you control that only specific content of placed transformation assets is updated.
During a content update in the Editor for Adobe InDesign, content updates for placed transformation assets with censhare content tags are ignored. The respective layout boxes are not updated at all. They are ignored by the censhare Render-Client.
Save changes
To save your changes: Click SAVE to update the asset with all local and global changes. Click SAVE & CLOSE to save all changes and check-in and close the asset.
To discard your changes: Click CANCEL to discard all local and global changes.
You have resolved the update status for content and/or geometry updates of the current layout.
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