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The Xeditor

A license from Xpublisher is required to use or customize the Xeditor integration capabilities. Contact censhare sales, account, or partner management to discover how to acquire a license.

The Xeditor by the Xpublisher GmbH  provides user-friendly authoring of your articles, directly in censhare Web. The Xeditor is an XML-based editor for the structured, media-neutral text content of your articles. You can easily use it without XML experience. 

Xeditor facts

  • Online XML editor for structured content

  • Schema based document structure

  • Works on XML documents (XML text assets in censhare)

  • Provides an inline editing mode in censhare Web

  • Allows to open the Xeditor in separate browser tab for more space while editing.

  • The preview in the Xeditor text asset is continuously updated as you type.

  • Content editor texts are interoperable with Xeditor texts but not vice versa.

  • Can work with various XML schemas

  • 3rd party product

  • The integration of the Xeditor into censhare Classic is based upon censhare Cloud Technologies.

  • The integration of the Xeditor uses the Keycloak server of censhare Classic as Identitiy Provider.

  • Can create PDF or HTML previews that can be downloaded. The HTML preview requires Online Channel configuration.

Xeditor functionality

  • What you see is what you get (WYSWYG).

  • Shows the XML structure in a side window of the editor

  • Shows a table of content in a side window of the editor

  • Supports tables

  • Provides spell checker

  • Provides comments, and track changes for collaboration

Xeditor configuration

Xeditor vendor documentation

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