Asset details provide information about an asset. Use asset details to manage, find, or compare assets.
Asset details provide information about an asset. Based on the asset type, censhare Web stores different types of details. Some asset details provide general information about the asset. For example, the creation date, owner, and asset ID. Other asset details store information that is only relevant to a specific asset type. For example, the resolution, format, and color space of an image asset. You can search for asset details or sort the asset list accordingly.
Detail view of an asset with an expanded Detail panel: Thumbnail images of asset list (1). Preview of the selected asset (2). Detail panel of the selected asset (3). Compare toggle button (6). Views menu icon (5). Control to expand or hide the Detail panel (4).
In censhare Web, you can view, search, and edit asset details in several ways.
Details tab and widgets on asset pages
The tabs on asset pages group and display the information and actions that are available for the asset. In the standard configuration of censhare Web, the “Overview” and ‘Details” tabs of asset pages display key information about the asset in various widgets. Different widgets are available for different asset types. You can customize the tabs and widgets that appear on asset pages.
In censhare Web, searches and filters return a list of assets. For example, a search page that shows the results of a search query or the “Last edited” page that filters for recently changed assets. You can view information about these assets using the detail panel.
The detail panel of a search page provides a summary of key information for the selected asset(s). For example, general information, status, or workflow steps.
To open the detail panel of an asset or a few assets, select the asset(s) in the asset list.
In the title bar of the search page, click
The Detail panel of the selected asset(s) opens.
For multiple assets, values that are not equal will be filled with <<multiple values>>.
The detail panel can be configured to show information that you need, e.g., certain asset properties. It is also possible to create detail panels for different asset types to display only information and properties you are interested in at most. Please ask your administrator or solution developer for help.
Detail view of asset lists
In censhare Web, searches and filters return a list of assts. For example, a search page that shows the results of a search query or the “Last edited” page that filters for recently changed assets. You can view information about the assets that are listed on these pages in different ways.
The Detail view provides quick access to previews and basic information for each asset in the list. In the Detail view, you can compare two assets. Based on the type of asset you select, the information and functions that are available in the Detail view vary.
To open the Detail view of an asset list, select
“Detail view” from the “Views” menu in the filter bar of the page.
Thumbnail images of the assets in the list display.
To view a larger preview of an asset in the list, click the thumbnail image of the desired asset.
A preview of the selected asset opens.
To compare two assets in the list, click the “Compare” button in the preview area.
The preview area changes to the comparison view.
Click the thumbnail image of the asset that you want to compare.
The selected asset displays on the "Selection" side of the comparison view.
You can use asset details to manage, find, or compare assets.
Next steps
View, edit, or compare asset information in the Detail view, Detail panel, or Details tab of an asset.
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