Learn about the different ways to manage your work with workflows.
Workflows allow you to automate a series of determined steps that are performed on assets.
For example, for a publishing process:
The author applies the workflow to an Article asset.
The editor then is assigned for review. When finished, they indicate that their step is complete.
The project manager is asked for approval. When finished, they publish the article and indicate that their step is completed.
If an asset has been assigned to you with a workflow and workflow step, you are expected to complete this step. When you have completed a workflow step, the asset is automatically unassigned from you and assigned to the next user or group (although this might be you as well).
Users apply workflows to assets as well as participate in workflows.
There are preconfigured workflows that you can apply out of the box.
Workflows specific to your business processes can be set up and assigned to default users or groups automatically. This is done by your censhare administrator. In this case, you only need to move the asset to the next workflow step.
Remember: Assets can be assigned to you without a workflow.
Workflow editing is embedded in your current asset editing context. Start to edit workflows depending on your current context:
when you create a single asset
when you edit a single asset - Status widget on any asset page
in the Media, Content, Product, Projects areas under My pages
when you create or editmultiple assets in the Edit wizards: Note, that only assets with the same workflow options can be edited here.
In the respective Create dialog, select the Workflow tab. The Edit workflow dialog displays.
Select a Workflow and Workflow Step (required).
Assign a user (optional).
Set further options, enter a comment or deadline. See workflow options.
In the Edit workflow dialog, click Save.
Note: You can also set Workflows later after the asset is created.
When editing a single asset
On the Overview tab of any asset page, you find the Status widget. It displays information on the workflow of the current asset as well as on the completeness and quality of the asset files.
If no workflow or user has been assigned yet, the widget is empty and shows the "No workflow defined" caption and a "+" icon.
Click the "+ " icon to assign a workflow. The Edit workflow dialog displays.
Select a Workflow and Workflow Step (required).
Assign a user (optional).
Set further options, enter a comment or deadline. See workflow options.
In the Edit workflow dialog, click Save.
On the Status widget click the Synchronize icon to display the updated workflow information.
On a Kanban board
Use this method for product assets, media assets or content assets, as well as for campaigns and projects.
From the My Pages area in the side navigation, select the relevant work area Media, Content, Product or Projects.
Select the Status tab. TheWorkflowview shows a Kanban board with the status of your assets, organized by workflow steps.
To assign a workflow, click
on an asset or on the page to open the Page actions menu and select Assign to.
Select a Workflow and Workflow Step (required).
Assign a user (optional).
Set further options, enter a comment or deadline. See workflow options.
The Edit workflow dialog displays in various contexts when you edit assets. To open it from the Page actions menu of an asset page, select Assign to. You can set the following workflow options:
This field sets the actual workflow for the asset. You have these options:
A workflow can already be selected automatically. Then just select a workflow step.
Select a workflow from the drop-down list. Only after this step, the field Step is shown.
Available workflows may vary according to the asset type. The "Approval" workflow is available by default in censhare and assigned automatically if you create an "Approval task" asset. Workflows are defined by your censhare administrator.
This field is shown after you have selected a workflow or a workflows is set automatically. Each workflow consists of several steps. Select the step that reflects the current state of the task or asset you are working on.
Workflow steps are mapped to workflow states. These are set automatically and do not have an input field. After saving your changes, the state is shown as well in the widget.
Assigned to
Select the user or user group who is in charge of the task, asset or the current workflow step.
Tip: To assign an asset to yourself, just click on the
You can assign an asset to a user, set a deadline and enter an annotation without selecting a workflow. If a default user or group is configured for workflow step, it is assigned automatically unless you select a different user or group.
Enter a deadline for the workflow or the current step. This is shown in the "My tasks" page of the assigned user. If no user has been assigned, the deadline has no effect.
Optionally add additional information about the task or the work to be done in the current workflow step.
Child completion
ON: Displays the completion state of all child assets in the Status widget.
OFF: Does not display child asset completion.
You have selected a workflow and workflow step, a user and a deadline for an asset.
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