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Cached tables

The Admin Client loads user-localized CachedTables and global-localized CachedTables (with @name, @name_de , …). 


  • All occurrences of ${localized-attr-name} and ${localized-attr-description} are replaced in the dialog definitions with @name and @description.
  • All occurrences of ${localized-attr-suffix} have been removed.
  • It is not necessary anymore to use xe:selectcase -constructions in order to differentiate between Admin-Client and Client.
  • There is no compatibility between the newer Admin-Clients and Server 4.5.x and vice versa.

The Client is not affected.


To display master data as well as Services and Modules, the user-localized CachedTables are used.

To edit the master data, the global-localized CachedTables are used.

Configuration on Updates

When updating from 4.5.x and lower to 4.6.x or higher changes to customer systems are required!

  • Replace all the changed dialogs or what is easier:
  • In the localized variant of app/modules/client/javaadmin/ remove the Properties of localized-attr-name and ${localized-attr-description} or alter them to @name and @description.
  • In the localized Variants of app/common/ remove the Property of localized-attr-suffix.

Configuration after a fresh installation (no update)

No changes are necessary.

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