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Change double-click behavior of assets to open with an application

Assets can open different applications or editors when opened with a double-click.


Requires knowledge of the Admin Client and the XML structure of the client.


In the below steps, we overwrite the current application with a new application. We have to be very sure about the name of the current application and the new application. Check the Master data of "Asset Applications" to get an idea about different application names. The id in master data is the name we use.


The example in steps below shows how we can change the double click behavior of assets that open in Metadata application to Metadata-translation application

  1. Login to the Admin Client.

  2. Go to Modules --> Clients --> Web Client.

  3. Select the correct client you want the change to apply to.

  4. Open (Web) client preferences.

  5. Search for the tag 'overwrite-asset-applications'.

  6. Add the below line as a new entry: <asset-application id="metadata" overwrite-id="metadata-translation"/>

  7. Save and close.

  8. Refresh the configuration.

  9. Now re-login to see the change reflected in the client.

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