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Configure asset flag calculation

The asset flag calculation determines certain status flags that are set on an asset in the censhare Client.

This article explains how to configure the flag calculation. For example, a geometry update flag. censhare offers three different flag calculation modes. The SQL mode is enabled by default. 


  • Permission to edit the Configuration section in the censhare Admin Client


The censhare Client uses flags to indicate the status condition of an asset. For example, flags can be:

  • content update

  • geometry update

  • master file

To detect such changes for the just mentioned status conditions and show a flag in the censhare Client, censhare uses the asset flag calculation. There are three different modes for this calculation:

  • SQL

  • XML

  • new SQL

The calculation mode is set in the Launcher configuration of the censhare Admin Client. The new SQL mode is available since censhare version 2018.3. As of version 2019.3, it is the default calculation mode.

The new SQL calculation mode works like SQL mode, but executes the calculation faster.   This article explains how to configure the mode.

Key steps

Access configuration

  1. To access the configuration, in the censhare Admin Client, go to Configration/Server directory, and open the Launcher configuration.

  2. In the configuration dialog, go to the JVM properties section.

  3. The properties censhare.assetxml-flag-calculation and define the asset flag calculation.

Both properties must be set accordingly. The following combinations are possible:

New SQL based flag calculation (default)

  1. Set the censhare.assetxml-flag-calculation property to false.

  2. Set the property to true.

XML based flag calculation

  1. Set the censhare.assetxml-flag-calculation property to true.

  2. The is then ignored.

SQL based flag calculation

  • Set the censhare.assetxml-flag-calculation property to false.

  • Set the property to false.

Update the server settings

If you change the flag calculation mode in the Launcher configuration, you must restart the censhare Server to activate the settings.

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