Customize the Quick search in censhare Client
The Quick Search searches standard asset properties, such as name, description and content. You can adapt the indices used by the Quick search to your needs. The Quick search for the censhare Client is configured in the censhare Admin Client.
You should be familiar with how to configure asset features.
The Quick search can only search features which are indexed. To index a feature, you first need to create a full-text index feature.
In addition, you must have the authorization to access the censhare Admin Client.
Configuring the Quick search in the censhare Web:
As of censhare version 2017.5, the Quick search for censhare Web and the censhare Client are configured independently of each other. The procedure differs accordingly. This article describes how to configure the Quick search for the censhare Client. For instructions on how to configure the Quick search in the censhare Web, please refer to the article Configuring search filters (partner login required).
In the case of the Quick search in the censhare Client, censhare searches a default selection of asset properties. censhare gathers these properties into one virtual index for feature metadata. If you need to add or remove features for the Quick search, you need to re-configure this virtual index. For new features, you must first create a full-text index feature.
The virtual index for feature metadata is created in the system in the feature with the ID "censhare:text.meta". This virtual index contains all full-text indices which need to be taken into consideration by the Quick search. In the section "Index Configuration", you find the "censhare default configuration". The section "Virtual Full Text" contains all full-text indices which are part of the default.
For the Quick search in the censhare Client, censhare accesses the virtual index for feature metadata. This index is created in the system in the feature with the ID "censhare:text.meta". This virtual index contains all full-text indices which need to be considered by the Quick search. In the section "Index Configuration", you find the "censhare default configuration". The section "Virtual Full Text" contains all full-text indices which are part of the default.
The "censhare default configuration" cannot be changed. If you want to add a full-text index to the Quick search, you need to add a "Custom configuration". Click the "+" icon at the bottom of the "censhare:text.meta" feature.
Button | Description |
![]() | Button: New |
Tip: You need to start the Admin Client in Admin mode for the "+" button to be displayed so that you can create a "Custom configuration". Click the menu in the "censhare Admin Client" and open the dialog "About censhare Admin Client". Then press and hold the ALT key and close the dialog by clicking OK.
Fill in the fields in the "Custom configuration" just as these appear in the "censhare default configuration". As soon as you have selected the "Virtual full text" value for the "Type" field, an additional section displays: "Virtual full text". In this section, you first need to add, step by step, all full-text index features which were entered in the "censhare default configuration" as well as those you want to use. Then you need to add your full-text index feature. In the "Mode" field, select the "Full text" option.
Default Values
The following indices are created in the virtual full-text index by default. The maximum number of search suggestions is hard-implemented and cannot be changed.
Index | Description | Maximum number of results |
Type | Asset type, for example, "Image", "Layout" or "Person". | 50 |
ID | The unique ID of the asset. This can be a number or a string. | 50 |
Application | The application with which censhare opens the asset by default. | 50 |
Opened by | Name of the user who opened the asset for editing | 50 |
Created by | The user who created the asset. | 50 |
Modified by | The user who last changed the asset. | 50 |
Workflow target | Name of the user to whom the asset was just assigned for processing. | 50 |
MIME type | MIME type of the master file (master data) of an asset, for example, JPEG images, Adobe InDesign, Microsoft Word or XML text. Additional files can also be attached to an asset in addition to the main file. For an image, these are different variants of the main file with different formats. Only the MIME type of the master file is taken into consideration here. | 50 |
Name | Name of the asset. This index also considers localized names. | 7 |
City | The "City" field of the address stored in the asset. | 50 |
Comments | The text field for comments on the workflow data for an asset. | 50 |
Author | The author of media such as images or layouts. This person is not necessarily the user who created the asset itself. | 50 |
Description | This index contains both the description of an asset as well as the IPTC title and description stored in the media files of the asset. | 7 |
Domain | Domain to which the asset belongs. Domains are used to divide a company into different organizational areas. | 50 |
2. Domain | Every asset can be assigned to a second domain. | 50 |
Keywords | Keywords that are defined for an asset. This index contains free text keywords, keywords from the keyword tree and IPTC keywords of media files stored in an asset. | 50 |
Hierarchical keywords* | This index searches through keyword assets. It displays assets which are associated with the keyword. It also displays associated keywords in the hierarchy (only in the child direction). | 50 |
Language | The content language for an asset. | 50 |
File status | Status of the asset for archiving purposes. The detail stores information on whether the asset is available online or what status it has in the archiving workflow. | 50 |
Contents | censhare indexes the content of the master files of an asset, e.g. XML data. As a result, this index does not refer to an asset feature. | 7 |
* This index is hard-implemented and cannot be changed.
Next steps
Any changes you make to the Quick search configuration will take effect immediately.