Report on workspace templates
A report in the system asset gives you an overview of all roles in the system for which a workspace template is configured.
Standard workspace structure specifies the appearance of a workspace in censhare Web. Templates provide a customized workspace for specific roles.
Advanced knowledge about the standard workspace structure and the possible adaptations
Using workspace templates, a role can be used to assign many customizations to a user workspace at once. The changes can affect asset pages, containers (tabs) and widgets. censhare provides a report for these changes.
The report for workspace templates lists all roles to which a workspace template is assigned to.
A role can only ever be linked to one workspace template. If a role is linked to several workspace templates, it is not clear which template censhare will select for a user when he logs on to the system. A report in the system asset provides an overview of all workspace templates with roles. This overview helps you to recognize conflicts in the configuration.
If a user does not receive the desired workspace template, multiple roles or an inactive workspace template can be a cause. The report helps you to recognize this.
The report
The report lists all workspace templates in the system. You can find it in the "Workspaces" tab of the "Workspace template" widget. It does not matter whether the template uses resource events or an XML file for the configuration. For each template, you can see whether it is active. The report highlights inactive templates in red.
The report groups the templates according to the roles used. If several workspace templates appear for a role, you must check whether more than one template is active for this role. In this case, it is a configuration error that leads to a conflict when loading the work area.
The list of workspace templates is grouped by roles. Therefore, you do not immediately recognize whether other roles are using the same template in addition to the role displayed. To view all roles for a template, open the asset and look in the "Generic asset" administration widget on the Administration tab.
If a template does not have a role, it does not appear in the report.
Each template in the report can be opened in the corresponding asset page to take a closer look at the configuration.
If you open the "Workspace" tab of the system asset, censhare automatically updates the reports on this page. If you make changes to the templates while the report is open, censhare does not display them automatically. You have to update it first. To do that, click the "Refresh data" button in the top bar of the "Workspace template" widget.
Configuration of the Report widget
If you want to display the report on another tab, use the "csReportWidget" widget. You can add the widget to a tab in Developer mode. Use the entry "Add widget type" in the action menu of the respective page. Select the "Report" entry in the selection list.
censhare generates the report using an XSLT script. This is stored in the asset with the resource key "censhare:report.workspace.templates". In the corresponding widget, go to the upper right and click the "Configure widget" entry in the widget action menu. In the following dialog, select the "Workspace changes" entry in the "Transformation" field of the "Report" section.
You have an overview of all templates that exist in the system and to which roles they are assigned.