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Adobe plugin FAQ

FAQ about the compatibility and requirements for the Adobe Plugin in a censhare environment.

Can I use third-party plugins for Adobe with censhare?

Generally, censhare does not support third-party plug-ins for Adobe InDesign, InDesign Server, or InCopy. Use of the XMLCommand plug-in with a third-party plug-in is at your own risk. Third-party plug-ins can cause intermittent problems with any version of censhare, the XMLCommand plug-in, and Adobe software. Possible effects include undesired changes within layouts or the complete failure of communication between the XMLCommand plug-in and the Adobe product.

Can I use the Adobe InDesign Endnote feature with censhare?

Currently, censhare does not support Adobe InDesign documents that use the Adobe Endnote feature. The Adobe Endnote feature (introduced in InDesign CC 2018) includes significant technical changes. By default, you cannot upload or check-in InDesign and InCopy documents that have endnote-related content in censhare. It is also not possible to place snippets that include endnotes in the Editor for Adobe InDesign Documents.

Why do I get an error when I update Adobe Creative Cloud?

Previously, to use the censhare XMLCommand plug-in with Adobe InCopy, the censhare Client automatically deactivated the  Assignment UI  plug-in from Adobe Systems. This deactivation is a possible reason for an error within the update process of Adobe CC 2015 or higher. For more information, see Error in updating the Adobe Creative Cloud for InCopy

How to set the communication protocol of the Adobe plug-in?

As of XMLCommand plug-in 2.9.1, support for a new protocol was added, the  WebSocket  communication protocol. For macOS, two communications methods are available now:

  • WebSocket

  • AppleEvent

WebSocket communication protocol is the default setting. If communication via WebSocket is not successful, the communication switches to AppleEvent automatically.

AppleEvent communication protocol is used as before for plugin versions below 2.9.1.

When WebSocket is used as default communication with plugin 2.9.1 or higher, we highly recommend not to change the default communication protocol for these combinations. In case of any incompatibilities, the protocol falls automatically back to AppleEvent. So there is no need to actively switch the communication protocol. Also, on the application level, nothing changes. Users can check-in and out their InDesign and InCopy files as usual.

However, for test purposes or any unforeseen issues, if you need to switch between WebSocket and AppleEvent communication protocol, find the necessary steps below.

XMLCommand plug-in version 2.9.1 or higher

macOS operating system

  1. Log in to the censhare Admin Client.

  2. Select Configuration > Modules > Clients > Client, and double-click Client Preferences.

  3. In the Client Preferences dialog, click  Edit XML-File.

  4. In the XML file, go to the  <indesign>  section.

  5. To use AppleEvent, set  use-apple-event-communication = "true".
    To use WebSocket, set  use-apple-event-communication = "false".

  6. Click OK to save your edits.

  7. Update the server configuration.

The communication between Adobe and censhare Client is handled using the selected protocol.

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