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Advanced profiler

The advanced profiler helps you to identify performance issues in the web client.

Target groups

  • Solution developers
  • Solution administrators


Permission to start the censhare Web developer mode.


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  1. To start the Advanced profiler open the developer menu in censhare Web and select Toggle channel sniffer.
  2. At the bottom of the side navigation in censhare Web, enable the Advanced profiler option.
  3. Open the web browser developer console.
  4. Execute the action in censhare Web that you want to analyze (for example, a search).
  5. At the bottom of the side navigation in censhare Web, disable the Advanced profiler.
  6. In the line below, click Display advanced profiler data.
  7. Open the web browser developer console.


In the web browser developer console, you can see an output table that displays detailed data about the commands that were executed:

  • commandType
  • commandRequestSize 
  • commandResponseSize
  • commandTotalSize
  • commandRequestCount
  • commandResponseCount
  • commandTransactionCount

Additional options


In the browser console, below the Advanced profiler table, you can click Object to display additional information about the commands.

Click on a command to expand the displayed information. Now, you can see for example:

  • transactionIDs: Copy and paste in the filter field of the browser console to see all the messages that are related to this transaction.
  • firstCommandStackTrace: References the first instance that initialized the request from the browser.
JavaScript errors detected

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