censhare Web browser requirements
Compatibility of censhare Web with common web browsers.
Windows 10 | macOS 10.13 - 17 | iOS (latest) | Android (latest) |
Microsoft Edge Chromium Google Chrome (latest) | Safari (latest) Google Chrome (latest) | Mobile Safari (latest) | Google Chrome for Android (latest) |
Microsoft Edge requirements
Microsoft Edge is needed for certain features to work properly on Windows, e.g. Online Channel preview or Maps component. For this reason, Microsoft Edge WebView2 needs to be installed. Useful sources:
- Official documentation: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-edge/webview2/
- Download: https://developer.microsoft.com/de-de/microsoft-edge/webview2/#download-section
Tablet support
Support for tablets is limited (especially with editors). We recommend to use devices with at least 9.7" display size. Other mobile devices and smartphones are currently not supported.
The development in the field of web browser is going on quickly. Modern user interfaces require the use of current features available only in the current web browsers. The consequence is that the support for older versions is limited.
Network recommendations
Our web-based solutions are designed for today's DSL connections. Fluid work is possible in the front-end with a common DSL 16.000 (approximately 1 MB/sec downlink and 100 KB/sec uplink, < 50 ms latency) or better (per user).
File uploads and downloads have to be considered separately. Here, the pure ratio of file size to uplink/downlink speed applies, which represents a physical limit irrespective of our product.
Example: With the recommended bandwidth of 1 MB/sec downlink and 100 KB/sec uplink, a 100 MB file takes about 2 minutes to download and 15 minutes to upload.