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Configure communication between InDesign Server and censhare Render Client

If more than one Render-Client runs in one system, SOAP communication between InDesign Server and censhare Render-Client is required to provide a dedicated InDesign Server instance for each environment. To launch multiple instances of a specific InDesign Server version an InDesign Server multi-instance license is required.


  • properly installed Adobe InDesign Server

  • Logged on to censhare Render-Client


With the autostart feature the censhare Render-Client is able to start/stop/restart the InDesign Server. For more information, see this autostart parameters cannot be defined by GUI within the Render-Client. How to define autostart as described below. For more information, see here. If possible always use autostart for better stability of the InDesign server.

Start InDesign Server


Start InDesign Server CS6 with -configuration and -port where CS6 is the instance name and 12000 the SOAP port.

start "CS6"   "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe InDesign CS6 Server x64\" -configuration CS6 -port 12000

For a second instance, a different configuration and port are required:

start "CS6-1"   "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe InDesign CS6 Server x64\" -configuration CS6-1 -port 12001


Start InDesign Server CS6 with -configuration and -port where CS6 is the instance name and 12000 the SOAP port.

/Applications/Adobe\ InDesign\ CS6\ Server/InDesignServer.command -configuration CS6 -port 12000

For a second instance a different configuration and port are required:

/Applications/Adobe\ InDesign\ CS6\ Server/InDesignServer.command -configuration CS6-1 -port 12001

Configure censhare Render-Client


WebSocket communication is now enabled per default for the censhare Render Client on macOS
The WebSocket port of the last launched InDesign (Server) process is used to connect, if similar entries are found in the file ApplicationRegistry.xml.

In case any problems are faced, it is possible to switch back to Apple Event communication by setting the following attribute in the "InDesign" section of Render Client's preferences (file javarender-preferences.xml):  use-apple-event-communication="true". For more information, see Adobe plugin - FAQ - SysAdmin.


On Microsoft Windows, SOAP communication is used as before. Navigate to File|Preferences|General and uncheck Detect layout processes automatically. Hit the " " and choose Adobe InDesignServer from the dropdown menu. Select Protocol: SOAP and enter for the first instance URL: http://localhost:12000. For the second instance hit the " " again and choose Adobe InDesignServer from the dropdown menu. Select Protocol: SOAP and URL: http://localhost:12001 Click Ok.

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