Configure HTTP proxy for censhare Client and censhare Admin Client
By default, censhare Client and censhare Admin Client connect to the censhare Server directly. If these censhare clients must use an HTTP proxy, this must be configured explicitly.
This setting can be configured on each local machine for different censhare Servers individually.
If a HTTP Proxy is set, all communication of the censhare client is directed through the proxy. If an external authentication is configured, Keycloak will be also accessed through the same HTTP proxy.
The configuration is done in the hosts.xml file of a local machine. If you want a censhare client to use an HTTP proxy for a certain censhare Server, you must add a proxy XML tag to the respective host entry in the hosts.xml file. The proxy XML tag contains the following attributes as parameters:
use: The value can be 0 or 1. Set it to 1 if you want to use the proxy setting.
type: Set the type to http for the HTTP proxy setting.
host: This is the IP address or DNS name of the HTTP proxy.
username: user ID to authenticate at the HTTP proxy
password: password to authenticate at the HTTP proxy.
Here is an example for an host entry showing an HTTP proxy configuration:
<host compressionlevel="0" url="frmis://localhost:30546/corpus.RMIServerSSL"
name="censhare Test" authentication-method="external" disable-trust-manager="true">
<proxy use="1" type="http" host="" port="3128" username="censhare1" password="censhare1"/>
<censhare-vfs use="1"/>