Control geometry updates with content locks in layout geometry variants
In multi-language environments, layout geometry updates and content locks can manage the controlled update of source and target assets in other languages.
To handle text updates in layout geometry updates, users want to know the different lock states of layout boxes in master and variant layout. They need to understand the results this has on a geometry update when a text is placed as a transformation in the variant layout. They want to know how they can control what is changed and not changed with a geometry update by setting content locks on master and/or variant layout.
Content locks (content tags) are set in the censhare Client.
According to the settings in the censhare Client, content and geometry of a layout can be updated in censhare Web, in the Editor for Adobe InDesign documents.
- Content locks allow you to control geometry updates of text content in layout geometry variants.
A master layout is available with placed text content.
A layout geometry variant has been created from the master.
The master text has been placed as a transformation into the master layout. The variant text has been placed as a transformation into the variant layout. As a result, the actions "Remove/Restore content lock" become available.
The interaction of content locks and geometry updates will affect the update of text that is placed in layout geometry variants as a transformation.
Layout geometry variants
Layout geometry variants are based on a master and a variant layout. They provide a mechanism where the contents of master and variant may be updated individually from each other. By means of a geometry update, the edits in the master may be written to the variant, and the variant is updated respectively. Intermediate individual edits to the variant may be overwritten or retained depending on the settings.
In censhare, layout geometry variants are often used for multi-language layouts. Usually, a text is placed as a transformation in the master layout, and a transformation of this text is placed in the variant layout. The target language variant can be updated with language-specific adjustments that are independent from the master layout. When crucial updates are available in the master layout, they can be transferred to the variant layouts by means of a geometry update.
However, it might not be desirable that all updates in the master are transferred to the variant. Specific content, such as formatting, might have to be retained. Updates from the master have to be merged with the individual updates in the variant.
A master layout and a variant layout are available, for instance for a product
asset. In the master layout, text is placed in English. The text is formatted in bold. In
the variant, a variant text of the master text is placed in Spanish. The text is formatted
just like the master text. The text has been placed as a transformation and the
transformation results contain censhare content tags.
Based on this example, there are three possible geometry update
Variant text is preserved: The update from the master layout including text and formatting changes as well as transformation results are completely ignored.
The text in the variant layout box is not changed at all. Content and style formats and all individual updates to the variant are retained.
Variant text is replaced: The layout box is copied from the master. The variant text asset is retransformed. The result of this transformation is placed into the updated layout box of the variant. The updated master text with possibly changed style formats is ignored.
Variant layout is merged: The variant text asset is retransformed and the result is merged with the updates from the master text into the layout box of the variant. Here, changed style formats, as well as changes to content from the master, are visible in the variant. The retransformed variant text is placed inside the box.
Content locks (content tags)
With the concept of content locks for layout boxes in censhare, you are able to control the geometry update result. You may thus restrict an update to be performed on specific layout boxes or to specific content in a box of a variant layout. Content locks are set in the censhare Client using so-called censhare content tags.
For instance, for a product that is marketed worldwide, you may want to update the product title and description from the master. The price should be updated individually in the variant. However, style formats for the price box should be retained to keep the layout consistent for master and variant.
Control geometry updates with content locks
Depending on which lock state is set for layout boxes in master and variant layout, you can trigger one of the three geometry update results described above.
For a layout box, the following content locks can be set in censhare:
Lock state | Action |
Box is locked | Remove content lock |
Box is unlocked | Restore content lock |
In many cases, the variant should be updated with changes from the master. Therefore, a variant layout box needs to be locked. With the lock state of the master layout box, you then control in which way the variant is to be updated:
If you want to update the layout, but retain text and formatting in the variant, the respective layout box in the master layout must be locked.
If all changes including formatting should be transferred, the master box must be unlocked.
Note: If a layout box in the variant is unlocked, this indicates that the variant was individually updated by a user. No changes from the master are then transferred at all for this box. The lock state of the master layout box is irrelevant here.
Master layout box | Variant layout box | Result | Details |
locked or unlocked | unlocked | Ignore all changes of master layout. Styles, format and content of the variant layout are retained. | If the content lock is set again with "restore content lock", the variant-specific changes are still retained. |
locked | locked | Replace variant layout with layout changes from master. Retransform variant text. Keep styles and formats. | Changes to unlocked content of a master text box (no content tags) are fully transferred to the variant text box with the update. |
unlocked | locked | Merge variant with master. Update variant with all changes on layout, text and format. | To revert the variant to the initial state, you have to carry out the action "Place again". |
Referring to the example of a product marketed worldwide, where you may want to update the variants with product title and description from the master. Price and currency should be updated individually in the variant. However, style formats should be retained to keep the layout consistent for master and variant.
For updating the variant with title and description from the master, the respective boxes must be unlocked in the master layout and locked in the variant layout.
For the price boxes that should keep the styles and format but should be updated individually, the respective boxes must be locked in the master as well as in the variant.
Set content locks
To set a content lock on a layout box:
Log in to the censhare Client.
Search for the respective master layout.
Double-click to open it in the Editor for Adobe InDesign.
Select the layout box in the master layout that you want to lock.
Right-click the box and select "Restore content lock".
Select and open the associated variant layout.
Right-click the respective box and select "Restore content lock".
The selected boxes for master and variant layout are now locked.
Content locks are displayed in the Editor for Adobe InDesign in censhare Web as follows:
Remove content locks
To remove a content lock from a layout box, select the option "Remove content lock" from the context menu of the respective asset.
Once the lock is removed, you can edit the content of the box.
Geometry update in censhare Client
To carry out a geometry update in the censhare Client, select the respective layout asset and click "Geometry update"

Geometry update in censhare Web
As of 2018.3, you can also carry out a geometry update in censhare Web. Open the respective layout, go to the Editor tab and click the "Geometry update" icon.
Content locks in censhare Web
Content locks are displayed in the Editor for Adobe InDesign in censhare Web as

You have updated a layout geometry variant according to your needs. You know how to set content locks for individual layout boxes of master and variant layouts. You are able to control content and formatting by means of a geometry update for layout geometry variant.