Create a new article in the Content Editor in censhare Web with a standard content structure.
To start to edit your content, create a new article or open an existing one in censhare Web. Typically, an existing article is assigned to you for editing.
To create a new article, we recommend that you always use an article template. Article templates contain predefined settings, styles, metadata and sample content that simplifies editing. Templates ensure that the look & feel of articles is consistent and adheres to the style guidelines of your company. Your censhare administrator has already taken care of that.
Standard articles are based on the Standard Content Structure (SCS). The structure is included in censhare making the creation and editing of articles and content easier from the beginning.
censhare already provides the necessary assets with the necessary asset structure. Your censhare administrator has already adjusted this standard structure and created the necessary article templates that satisfy the needs of your company. There can be several article templates available in your system.
The Content editor is preconfigured for each of these templates. The appropriate document structure of your article is already provided so that you can create and edit your content right away.
Create new articles
Log in to censhare Web.
In the top navigation, click Create asset > Asset from template.
Filter results to Article.
Select Article with Content - Template or the respective template that you need.
Rename the new asset.
Select the content language and any other metadata to your needs.
Click OK.
The Article asset is created and opens in an asset page.
Open existing articles
The Editor can be opened either from the asset page or or from a list view.
Find the article in censhare Web.
If applicable, find the article under Last created or Last edited.
If not, enter the title of the article in the Quick search field and click Enter.
Open the Content editor as a dialog overlaying your list.
In the generated list, hover over the article asset. The - menu will appear.
Click on it and then on Edit content. The editor will be opened.
Open the Content editor on the asset page.
Double-click the article asset in the list.
On the asset page, go to theEditor tab.
Content editor widget (left), and widgets (right) for attribute inspection, preview, and assigned assets
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