Create PDF as child asset
Steps to create the required server action.
This customization requires three configuration files to be modified.
Step 1: Events

- First, create an event that is executed during the creation of assets from the asset file. Log into the Admin Client and create a new event, e.g. "created-pdf".
- Click OK.
Step 2: Asset from Asset File
Now we need to create a new configuration file that will create an asset from assets. Please see below.

Asset Event: Calling the newly created event.
New Generic Asset Event: Define the target and method.
Special setup: Define file and its type. Make sure to check "Attach to source". Click OK.

Step 3: Render Client
Define a configuration that listens to the events and triggers others. In this case, we asked to execute the events when the workflow will get changed. See screenshot:

Modification Mode: Select "Perform asset check out/ check-in".
Send new asset events/ Finished: Select the event that was created in Step 1 "created-pdf".
Special Setup: In Settings, you can select any PDF setting. Activate "Create Fresh PDFs" options as well in case you want to overwrite PDFs that were already created before.
Testing in censhare Client
Log in to the censhare Client and choose an InDesign layout. Modify the metadata information and assign a workflow as configured above. It will create a child asset PDF.