The Detailed search enables a targeted search query. Search for specific asset details, for example keywords or properties.
The Detailed search is available in the Top navigation of in censhare Web.
You should be familiar with the basic usage of censhare Digital asset management and asset properties.
While the Quick search provides a wildcard search, the Detailed search is designed to search for specific asset property/value pairs. For that purpose, the Detailed search provides input fields for dedicated asset properties.
For example, if you search for Munich the Quick search index may throw results where the search term is part of the asset title, content, keywords or domain. In the Detailed search, you can search for assets with the hierarchical keyword Cities / Munich. The search now only finds assets tagged with this keyword.
The Detailed search allows the combination of several search terms / asset properties. To refine the search results from the example above, you can add Root / Offices / Europe / Munich in the Domain field. Now, the search finds assets tagged with the keyword Cities / Munich AND in the domain Root / Offices / Europe / Munich.
The Detailed search as part of the overall search
The search in censhare consists of three different features:
The Quick search: The Quick search allows to enter search terms in a free-text field.
The Detailed search: The Detailed search allows to search for dedicated asset properties.
The Expert search: The Expert search allows to define complex searches for all asset properties and relations in censhare.
You can use each search feature on its own. You can also combine the Quick search with the Detailed search or the Expert search. This allows you to define different parts of your search with the most suitable search function. When you have performed a Detailed search, you can adapt the results using the Expert search. For more information, see How to search in censhare Web.
Execute a Detailed search
The Quick search field with the field for search parameters (5): Advanced searches menu to start a new search, add a Detailed search or add an Expert search (1).
To start a new search, click the search icon
in the Top navigation. From the Advanced searches menu, select Detailed search.
The Detailed search dialog opens.
Enter or select the asset details you want to search for:In free-text fields such as Name, you can enter any character here.In option fields such as Type, select an item from the drop-down list.
To open the list, click the triangle
. You can then also start typing. The list is filtered immediately to the options that match the characters you entered. Note that multiple selection is not possible in this context.
In time picker fields under Status, Created at and Modified at display a date and time picker. Click
, first select whether you want to enter an exact date, a period, or a range, a Before or After date. Next, select the desired date and time. If you select a period, you must enter a start and end date, as well as the time in the calendar and time fields.
To start the search, click OK. The search results are presented on a new page.
Note: You cannot use the OR functionality in the Detailed search. The OR functionality only works with the Quick search. Switching to the OR functionality in the Detailed search, produces wrong results!
Combine multiple search values
As soon as you select a search value from a drop-down list, censhare starts to search and filter assets in the background, so that other drop-down-lists only show matching entries but omit values that do not throw any results.
For example, the drop-down list in the Type field displays a list of all asset types that are available in your censhare system. However, if you select a content language first, for example English in the respective field, the drop-down list in the Type field is restricted to assets with the content language English. Also, module assets which do not have a content language value, do no longer appear in the drop-down list of the Type field either.
As soon as you enter a search term, select a value or set a date, an X is shown at the right side of the input field. Click it to remove an entry. Removing a search item changes the search accordingly.
The Detailed search: The Quick search field with the field for search parameters (5): Advanced searchesmenu to start a new search or open the executed Detailed search as Expert search (1), Tag that represents the executed Detailed search (2), Edit the Detailed search (3), Delete the Detailed search (4). The tag is shown once the Detailed search has been executed.
Edit a search
After you have executed a Detailed search, censhare stores the search request. You can edit the search:
Click the Edit icon the Detailed search tag in the Quick search field.
The Detailed search dialog opens. The already entered search parameters are present in the respective fields.
Edit the existing parameters, remove them or add new ones.
Convert into an Expert search
Once you have executed a Detailed search, you can convert it into an Expert search:
Click the Advanced Searches icon in the Top navigation.
Select Open as expert search. The Expert search dialog opens with entered asset properties as search parameters. For more information, see The expert search.
Note: You cannot convert an Expert search back into a Detailed search.
Start a new search
There are two ways to start a new Detailed search.
A Detailed search has already been executed:
Click the Edit icon the Detailed search tag in the Quick search field.
The Detailed search dialog opens.
Click RESET.
Any other search has been executed:
Click the Advanced searches icon in the Top navigation.
Select New search.
A blank search page opens.
censhare stores an existing search in another tab in the Side navigation.
Click the Advanced searches icon.
Select Detailed search.
Note: If you do not execute New search first, the Detailed search is combined with the existing search.
Default search fields
By default, the Detailed search displays the following search fields in two tabs General and Advanced. Note that the search options of your censhare system may differ depending on your censhare configuration:
Tab "General"
Section "Properties"
Name (full text)
Text field. Searches in asset names.
Content (full text)
Text field. Searches in asset content (master file).
Properties for quick search (full text)
Text field. Searches the virtual index of the Quick search.
Drop-down lists. Searches in main or second domains.
2nd Domain
Content language
Drop-down list. Searches content by language.
Text field. Searches the URL property of assets.
Section "Workflow"
Drop-down list. Searches the current workflow of assets.
Workflow step
Drop-down list. Searches the current workflow step of assets. Before you can select a workflow step here, you must select the respective workflow in the previous field.
Workflow target
Drop-down list. Searches the current workflow target (assigned user or group) of assets.
Tab "Advanced"
Section "Advanced"
Text field. Searches the ID of assets.
Output channel hierarchy
Hierarchical drop-down list. Searches in the defined output channel property.
Production flag
Drop-down list. Searches the production flag property of an asset.
Template hierarchy
Drop-down list. Searches in the template hierarchy and shows assets that are defined as templates.
Resource usage
Drop-down list. Searches the resource usage of module assets.
Resource key
Text field. Searches the resource key of assets. Resource keys can be used instead of the ID and are unique over different systems.
Section "Keywords"
Keywords (free text)
Text field. Searches the free text keywords.
Keywords (tree)
Drop-down list. Searches in the keyword tree. These keywords are stored as metadata in assets.*
Keywords (hierarchy)
Drop-down list. Searches in hierarchical keyword structures. These keywords are represented as assets and assigned to content assets.*
Section "Status"
Created by
Drop-down list. Searches assets that have been created by the selected user.
Created at
Date / time / period picker. Searches assets created at a certain date or time, or assets created in a defined period. For an exact date, you must enter a date and time.
Modified by
Drop-down list. Searches assets that have been modified by the selected user.
Modified at
Date / time / period picker. Searches assets that have been modified at a certain date or time, or assets created in a defined period. In the first field, specify whether you search for an exact date or a period.
* In most cases, your system has either the keyword tree or the hierarchical keyword structures configured, so that you will only have one search option. The usage of both is very similar.
You understand how the Detailed search works. You can create a Detailed search, edit the parameters or start a new search. You know that you can combine a Detailed search with Quick search parameters.
Next steps
Search results display on a new page. Search pages offer further options to filter, store and export the results.
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