The content of an asset is stored in asset files. For example, an image file or an Adobe InDesign layout. You can download an asset files to use or edit the file externally.
This action is available for assets with an attached file (storage item).
You can download asset files (storage items) from an asset list, group asset or asset page in censhare Web.
Assets like images, videos, layouts, or spreadsheets contain asset files. Asset files, also called storage items, are listed in the Files widget of an asset page. When you upload a file into censhare, an asset with a Master file is created. The master file is identical to the source file that was uploaded (censhare always changes the name to Master file). There can be additional files attached to an asset and listed in the Files widget. censhare creates these files automatically from the source file. For example, when you upload a video, censhare creates a preview image and a thumbnail.
All files that are listed in the Files widget can be downloaded. Additionally, dynamically rendered files can be available for download. Dynamic download items are not stored physically in an asset, but only created "on demand". For example, various image sizes can be available as dynamic download items.
Download files individually from the Files widget:
Open the desired asset in an asset page.
Select the Overview tab.
In the Files widget, move the cursor over the file you want to download and click
The file is transferred to your computer.
If several files are stored in an asset, and you want to download them at once, or if you want to download dynamic download items, see the following section.
Download files from multiple assets from a list
To download files from multiple assets, or to download multiple files from one asset at once, do the following:
Open the desired asset in an asset page or search and filter the desired assets on an asset list.
Select the assets from which you want to download files (If you are on an asset page, skip this step).
To open the page actions menu click
and select Download files.
Note: If one of the selected assets has no storage item, the Download files action does not show in the menu. Verify your selection, remove the assets without storage item and try again.
To download the master files of the selected asset or assets, click OK. The download starts immediately.
To select additional files or dynamic download items, click Show more options, select or deselect the desired files and dynamic items and click OK.
Download options
Shows the assets that you selected in the first step. Assets are preselected. You can deselect assets, if you wish.
Shows available storage items of the selected assets. Select more storage items, if desired. The master file is preselected. This is the source file that was originally uploaded into censhare. Other storage items like preview or thumbnail are created automatically and are stored physically in the asset.
Dynamic formats (optional)
Shows download items that are rendered dynamically. These items are not stored physically in the asset. Dynamic options are specific for an Asset type/MIME type, for example: Image/JPEG. Available options depend on your system configuration. Select the desired options.
Download files from a Group asset
A Group asset is a collection of assets. The Group asset itself is not part of the collections. It offers some functions that are executed on all assigned assets of a group. For example, you can download the master files of the assets that belong to that group:
Open the desired Group asset or open the Groups page in the side navigation and select the desired group from the list.
To open the actions menu, click
in at the top right on the Group asset page or next to the Group entry in the list.
Select Download content from group. The download starts immediately.
The action downloads only Master files of the assets of a group. Other files like preview images or thumbnails, or dynamic download items are not included in the download. Files that are stored in Person and Layout assets, are not downloaded at all. If you want to download these files and formats, use the Download files action in an asset list instead.
If usage rights are defined for one or more of the assets of a group, you must confirm and accept the usage rights. Your confirmation is recorded in the database of the system.
Download files from assets on the Pinboard
You can also download asset files from assets on your Pinboard.
The download file is stored on your computer.
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