Known issues
Here you can find information about all known issues. Most of them are still relevant for the current version.
Java Client saves wrong values when adding/editing asset features
When you add or edit asset features using the Edit Metadata dialogue in the Java Client, more than one value may be saved for the same asset feature. This only happens as part of the following scenario:
Select one feature type in the dropdown
Enter its value (type it in or drop the image into the value field)
Select another type in the same dropdown
Enter a different value
Save your changes
In this case, both values will be saved for this asset feature, even though you click OK only once. Multiple values can be seen in the asset XML, where you can find two parameters on the same feature element.
To avoid saving multiple values for the same feature:
Use the trash icon to remove the feature completely and then re-add it OR
Correct the asset XML afterwards.
Digital Asset Management (DAM)
Create additional image broken setting: “Strip ICC profile” does not work
The “Strip ICC profile” setting in the image conversion preferences in the Admin Client does not work. Images generated using the server action “Create additional image” will retain their ICC profiles. Images made from images that had no ICC profile, will be added an ICC profile. This is a side effect of the pngquant
library used in the service.
Please keep in mind that ICC profiles (as any other metadata) adds to the file size of the image.
References | Configure automatic image creation
Product Information Management (PIM)
Product categories added twice in the Web Client
The same product category will be added twice instead of once if:
You have previously configured the Product hierarchies widget under the Classification tab to show Product categories.
You checked the asset out (the green pen next to the asset name is visible).
You added a product category from this widget using the Add relations button.
This small bug appears only if all of the above conditions are true. To avoid it, you should do one of the following:
Check-in the asset before adding categories OR
Instead of using the Add relations button on the Product hierarchies widget, use the Add categories button in the Product parent categories widget. The widget appears right above the Product hierarchies widget, also under the Classification tab.
References | Product categories
Additional services
Mail service: Modern Mail graph protocol blocks correct asset creation from emails
When you use IMAP protocol, the mail service module can import emails, create assets from them, mark original emails as read and delete them from the mail box after 3 days.
If you start using Modern Mail Graph protocol, this will stop working correctly:
If you set the module parameters to "Delete emails = Immediately after checkin" the module will continually import mail messages and create assets even though the message has been deleted before.
If you set the module parameters to "Delete emails = never", the import function works correctly, only importing the mail message on the first run and then ignoring this message on subsequent runs. But it won‘t delete the messages.
Adding the attribute deletedelta_day="3" to the module will have no effect on removing the emails from the mailbox.
Therefore, we recommend you to keep using IMAP for the import purposes. However, be aware that Microsoft disabled the IMAP access for Outlook Exchange. You will need to set it up externally.
References | Mail service
Google AI 1.1.4 failing to start after RPM installation
Google AI 1.1.4 is installed by default as part of the standard RPM installation. However, an important parameter is missing in its application.yaml
, and the microservice fails to start.
To solve this, you can do one of the following:
Add the missing parameter to the
manually.Roll back to Google AI 1.1.2 using the following command:
yum downgrade --enablerepo=censhare-tools censhare-google-ai-1.1.2
References | Configure Google Cloud AI