Quality gates
Implement a quality management for your asset data. Quality checks are performed on assets that require a minimum quality level like products. Quality levels are represented as Quality gates.
Quality checks are only available in censhare Web. They are defined for certain asset types, for example Products. The Quality check and Asset status widgets show the existing quality gates in a quality gate sequence. The widgets show the achieved quality gate.
A quality gate sequence must be defined for the asset type.
The manual server action or automatic server action that calculates the achieved quality gate is configured (only for the supported asset types) and must be configured.
Managing the data quality of your assets is the main purpose of a Digital Asset Management system. For example, resellers receive large amounts of data from external sources with often poor quality. They must enhance and enrich these data. For this purpose, censhare provides quality checks for the information that is stored in assets and asset relations.
Quality gate sequences
Quality gate sequences define a series of quality gates. Each quality gate consists of a set of completeness checks. A quality gate represents a quality level. When all completeness checks that are assigned to a quality gate were passed, the respective quality gate is achieved.
Here is an example of a simple quality gate sequence:
Quality gate sequence for products | ||
Sequence | Quality gate | Assigned completeness checks |
1 | IDs completed | Order number Category assigned |
2 | Classified |
3 | Content completed |
4 | Translated |
Achieved quality gates
The sequence of the quality gates defines the order in which the quality gates have to be achieved. Only if all previous quality gates are completed, the next quality gate can be achieved. A quality gate is completed when all assigned completeness checks are passed.
For example, in the quality gate sequence above the "IDs completed" and "Content completed" quality gates with their assigned completeness checks are completed. The achieved quality gate then is "IDs completed", because the "Classified" quality gate is not completed yet. The "Content completed" quality gate does not meet both requirements for the achieved quality gate.
censhare calculates the achieved quality gate for the following asset types:
Product output
Project campaign
The result of the calculation is stored in the respective asset in the “Quality gate achieved” property. This property stores the resource key of the achieved Quality gate asset.
The calculation is done automatically by a server action. Between two automatic updates, you can update the achieved quality gate for an asset with a manual server action.
Display a quality check
censhare uses the Status widget to display the quality check that is defined for the current asset type. You find the widgets on the Overview tab of an asset page.
If a quality gate sequence is defined for the asset type, censhare shows the sequence. If no quality gate sequence is assigned, censhare shows all completeness checks that apply to this asset type. If the widget is empty, no quality gate sequences or completeness checks exist for the current asset type.
The widgets are based on a live report. Changes in the data are shown immediately, for example, if another user edits the asset data or relations.
Work with a quality gate sequences
The Quality check widget and Asset status widget show a list of quality gates and the completeness checks assigned to each quality gate. An icon shows the status of the quality gates and the completeness checks:
Icon | Meaning |
![]() | Task is in progress. |
![]() | This icon is shown for completeness checks at the end of the entry. Hover over the icon to see a tooltip with a short task description. The icon is only shown as long as the task has not been done. |
![]() | The quality gate or completeness check is done. |
A quality gate will be only shown as completed if all assigned completeness checks are passed. It also requires that all lower-quality gates in the sequence are complete.
Report about achieved quality
There is a report that gives an overview of the quality gates achieved for the following asset types:
Product output
Project campaign
This is especially helpful if you want to monitor the quality level of many assets in your system.
You find the graphical report on "Quality” tab of the following pages:
Newsroom (for articles)
Products (for products and product outputs)
To open the page, click the respective link in the side navigation in the MyPages section and go to the Status tab.
For each quality gate, the report shows a bar diagram with the number of assets that have achieved the respective quality gate. If you click on a bar, censhare opens an asset list that contains all assets with this achieved quality gate.
Update the achieved quality gate
The censhare Client provides the "Quality Gate Update" server action to update the quality level of selected assets:
Mark the assets for which you want to calculate the achieved quality gate.
Click the "Server actions" icon in the top bar and choose "Quality Gate Update" in the list.
A progress bar in the bottom bar shows the progress.
Note: If the calculation is not provided for an asset type, the server action is not shown in the menu.
You know how to work with quality checks. You understand the different concepts and function of completeness checks and quality gate sequences. You know where to find more information about how to pass a completeness check. If necessary, you can manually update the achieved quality gates for assets in the censhare Client.