RPM installation packages
For all components except the database and the load balancer, censhare provides RPM packages.
Below is a simplified architecture diagram showing which components are included and which you need to get from a 3d-party provider.

To retrieve the required RPMs, you need access to the RPM repository. If you do not have any credentials, create a support ticket.
What each package is for
It will setup a user corpus on your system and create the home directory /opt/corpus for the software. It also provides the startup scripts rccss which can be used as an alternative startup method instead of systemd.
It has all the dependencies to tools that are needed to create image and office previews. So when you install it, it will also require to install LibreOffice-Online, Ghostscript, ImageMagick, wkhtmltoimage and ExifTool. For LibreOffice-Online an own startup service loolwsd will be installed and activated within systemd. Another dependency is censhare-Common, which will be installed via yum as well.
As dependencies, the packages censhare-Common and censhare-ImageTools will be installed first. You can install it on the same system with a censhare-Server or standalone on another server. The censhare.serviceclient systemd serivce will be enabled. The software will be installed below /opt/corpus and you can start configure it as user corpus with following command.
As dependencies, the package censhare-Common will be installed first. If you want the censhare-Server to create image previews by itself (recommended only as fallback, if a Service-Client isn't available), you can also install the package censhare-ImageTools , but it isn't a required dependency.
The package itself installs the censhare-Server software without any configuration. All links will be created and a work directory will be created from the work-template . The censhare.server systemd service will be enabled.
Which version to take
censhare tools
Ensure to use the packages of the latest version. The versions stated here are the latest ones at the time of writing and are not updated on a regular basis.
But the censhare-tools are updated continuously. Always use the latest versions of the tools
as specified in censhare server, database and tools requirements
or check the
of your product delivery for the latest version. When you open theredistributed.txt
file in Git, please make sure that you select the correct branch. In this case,release/2024.1
Keycloak version
Current supported version is
Keycloak 24
Exact location of packages
Component | Use | Required | RPM directory |
censhare Server | censhare-release-rpm | ||
censhare Server | Application server Soft dependencies on the different censhare Server versions are listed in: | mandatory | https://rpm.censhare.com/censhare-release-rpm/stable/censhare/2024/1/
| |||
(3d-party download) | |||
Relational database | PostgreSQL or Oracle | mandatory | Please download from the respective 3d-party download portal |
(3d-party download) | |||
Keycloak | Identity provider, authentication solution. censhare provides Keycloak as RPM package. If you already use Keycloak, follow instruction on this page to upgrade. | mandatory | Please download from the respective 3d-party download portal. |
tools-release-rpm | |||
Starting from the censhare version 2022.2 onwards we use Java 17 and for CGW/SRS major version 3. For the exact latest version of both tools, please check what is available in the RPM repository.
| |||
Cloud Gateway | The Cloud Gateway is used to route the incoming requests from the web browser. The requests are directed to:
| mandatory | https://rpm.censhare.com/tools-release-rpm/
Update installations may require additional steps due to the change in package naming from |
Static Resource Server | Distributes webpack bundles |
| https://rpm.censhare.com/tools-release-rpm/
tools-release-rpm | |||
Mail Service | Provides Modern Mail service authentication OAuth 2.0 (Exchange Online) | optional | https://rpm.censhare.com/tools-release-rpm/
Google Cloud AI microservice | Provides Google Cloud AI analysis in censhare | optional | https://rpm.censhare.com/tools-release-rpm/
Social Media microservice | Required to publish content from censhare to social networks (Twitter, Facebook, YouTube) | optional | https://rpm.censhare.com/tools-release-rpm/
censhare-release | |||
webpack | Bundles static resources to serve them to the web browser. The webpack files contain the user-language specific static files of the user interface. For each language, separate webpack files are necessary. Also, for any other customizations in the custom folder, separate webpack files are needed. For update instructions, see Release frontend bundles (partner login required). | mandatory | https://rpm.censhare.com/censhare-release/censhare-Server/v2024.1.1/webpack-2024.1.1.tar.gz |
censhare-release-rpm tools-release-rpm | |||
Service Client and related tools | Service Client | mandatory | https://rpm.censhare.com/censhare-release-rpm/stable/censhare/2024/1/
To make Service Client work, you will need to install additional tools. For Linux, we provide RPM packages. For macOS, see instruction on this page. | not mandatory, but preview won‘t work for visual files | ||
censhare Clients | (Download Portal) | ||
censhare Clients |
The following clients – or their installers – need to be downloaded from the Download Portal:
| mandatory |