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Configure Xeditor in censhare Server


In the censhare Admin Client, you configure common configuration topics related to the censhare Server:

censhare Xeditor integration license

The integration of the Xeditor by Xpublisher requires a censhare Xeditor integration license. You can acquire this license via censhare sales. Once you have acquired the license, censhare IT provides the Xeditor integration for your censhare system.

To use Xeditor, you must have a censhare Xeditor integration license and an Xeditor license by Xpublisher.

Xpublisher license for Xeditor

Before you add the Xeditor license by Xpublisher, the censhare Xeditor integration must has been installed by censhare IT. For more information, see above.

The Xeditor is a 3rd party product by the Xpublisher GmbH that must be licensed separately. This configuration assumes that your company has already acquired a valid Xeditor license. The respective license key must be configured in the Xeditor Module in Configuration/Modules/Xeditor in the censhare Admin Client:

  1. Receive the Xeditor license key from your contract documents with the Xpublisher GmbH.

  2. Go to the Xeditor module in the censhare Admin Client.

  3. In the module, go to General setup: Check Enabled to activate the Module.

  4. Go to Special setup: In the License key field of Xeditor section, enter the key for the Xeditor license.

  5. Click OK and update the server configuration.

Permissions for using Xeditor

Users can only use the Xeditor if they have the permission to do so. The censhare Admin Client provides three different permission keys that can be added to permission sets and then to roles:

  • app_xeditor_all: The user can open the Xeditor in the Read/Write mode.

  • app_xeditor_commentonly (for now: not supported): The Xeditor is opened in the comment mode. A user can only create comments.

  • app_xeditor_readonly: The user can open the Xeditor in the Read-only mode. This is the same as the Xeditor preview.

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