The Content editor provides standard text authoring functionality for text content such as copy & paste, and find & replace. You can also style words or parts of sentences with different formats.
Typical text elements are headlines, paragraphs, lists, and tables. You always enter your text inside these elements. You cannot enter text outside of elements. Just start typing inside any of the text content elements. The toolbar provides the available actions based on the position of your cursor in the content structure.
Convenient features are the undo/redo options as well as a spell-check function.
For several actions, keyboard shortcuts are available.
Right-to-left languages:When you use a right-to-left language, and the right-to-left-support is activated for that language, the text that you see in the Content editor is right-aligned. You can edit the text as you are used to in this language. The previews are also right-aligned for right-to-left-languages.
Key tasks
Copy, cut & paste
Select the text that you want to copy or cut. You can also select text from other applications such as Microsoft Word.To copy the selected text, press ⌘/Ctrl + c.To cut the selected text, press ⌘/Ctrl + x.
Click inside the element where you want to paste the text. Press ⌘/Ctrl + v.
The text is pasted at the selected position. Formatting such as hyperlinks or inline styles is retained.
You can also copy or cut & paste the text inside several elements in this way. Ensure that you select the complete top-level elements in which the text is located. For example, to copy the text in two list items, select the two List item elements. To copy or cut a complete table, select the top Table element. To paste the text and these elements, ensure that your cursor is at the right position and hierarchy in the document structure.
Find & replace
To find and replace text:
To open the search bar, press ⌘/Ctrl + f. You can also click the magnifying lens in the title bar of the Content editor instead.
Enter or copy & paste the text in the Search field.
To find text, click the arrows next to the field to jump to a search result.
To replace text, clickReplace. Enter the text to replace.
To replace the current search results, clickREPLACE. To replace all search results, clickALL.
Style text
The overall formatting for your articles is controlled by stylesheets. Stylesheets define how a document looks in the different output channels.
The Content editor allows you to style text directly, independent of a stylesheet (inline formatting). Inline formatting must be configured by your administrator. The available formatting options vary depending on the configuration of your system.
You can style individual characters or words, the content of whole paragraphs, or paragraph element.
To style individual characters or words: Select the relevant text and click one of the available styles icons on the toolbar. In the standard Content editor, the following inline styles are available: Bold, Italic, Bold Italic, Underline, Subscript, and Superscript. The style is applied and the text displays accordingly in the Content editor and in the previews.
To style a paragraph: Click inside a paragraph. SelectMark
on the toolbar. From the dialog, select one of the styles Emphasized, Preformatted, Small or Strong. Click OK. The text in the paragraph is highlighted and the style is applied. The preview displays accordingly in the Content editor and in the preview.
The formatting is also retained when you copy or cut & paste text from other applications such as Microsoft Word.
To remove the paragraph styles: Click inside the paragraph. SelectMark
on the toolbar. From the dialog, select the style that you want to remove. Click REMOVE. The selected formatting is removed from the paragraph.
To style a paragraph element: Select the paragraph element. Click theInspector widget. From Style, select one of the available styles.
To remove the paragraph element style: Select the paragraph element. Click theInspector widget. From Style, click the X next to the assigned styles.
Insert typographical characters
You can insert several typographical characters such as hyphens, tabs, line breaks and special spaces. Some typographical characters are only displayed in the previews, not in the Content editor. The availability of the typographical characters depends on the configuration of your system.
Select the text after which you want to insert the typographical character. On the toolbar, click Insert special character
, and select an item from the list.
The format is applied to the text. Check the preview to verify that the format is correctly applied.
To better manage special characters, enable the display of hidden characters. Click the Options menu the three dots and selectHidden characters. The special characters, for example for line break, then displayed in the Content editor.
Undo & redo
You can undo or redo your actions until the last SAVE action. In the toolbar, click Undo
/ Redo.
The Content editor provides real-time spell-checking. To enable spell-check, click
in the toolbar. When spell-check is enabled, incorrect words in the article are underlined in red.
To correct the spelling, right-click the respective word. Options for correct spelling of the word display. Select the appropriate one.
You can add words and spellings to the dictionary. Right-click the word that you want to add, and selectLearn "word". The dictionary remembers the word and no longer marks the word as incorrect.
You know how to edit text content in the Content editor.
Next steps
Insert special elements like references, tables, images, and videos.
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