Work with print previews (censhare Client)
For better planning and quality control, you can use one of the print preview modes to have a final look over the prepared issue.
The first mode is intended for flicking through the issue, like your customer would do, and retains the highest possible quality of the visual content. The second mode is intended for checking the overall look and structure of the issue, allowing to focus on how articles, visuals, and ads are placed throughout the issue, which pages are still not filled with content, etc.
You can also export a PDF of your issue using the preview functionality.
Print preview modes
Two-page spread
In the asset query, select the issue you want to preview and then select the menu command "Asset · Show · Print preview".

This opens a new window with a paginated view of the issue. This preview is generated via HTML5 and the page thumbnails are large enough to avoid loosing on resolution.
Regional planning in the print preview with a drop-down menu to switch between the regions
Export a PDF
You can export a PDF from the preview mode. You need to click on the gear icon – Server actions – and select Export PDF.

To learn how to configure the PDF export settings, please refer to this article.
All pages with issue information
For this preview, you need to open the issue asset with a double-click and then go to File → Print Preview.
This will show all pages on one view (however, small) together with additional information, like this:

This kind of print preview comes in handy for editorial meetings and for getting final approvals for the issue.
Which information should be shown on this print preview, can be configured from the planning view, by using the "Planning" button:

It will open the following dialogue where you can select all information you need:

Export a PDF
In this mode, you can use the print button and then select "Save as PDF" to export a PDF of the preview.