Asset lists, such as Favorites, Last edited in the navigation menu and search results, enable you to perform actions on one or multiple assets.
Regardless of the view type, from any asset list you can access a wide range of actions. However, available asset actions vary. Some actions can only be performed on one asset at a time, whereas others can be performed on multiple assets. Keep in mind that it plays a role how many assets you selected before performing an action. Depending on this, some actions will be applied to only the selected asset(s) or to all of them.
Single asset actions
In the list view, you can hover over an asset name and a few buttons will appear.
You do not need to select an asset to access those actions. On the other side, when a few assets are selected, the aforementioned actions will only apply to one asset.
Also, if you go to the -menu in the top right corner of the list, the actions available there will be applied to all assets even if one of the assets is selected. Available actions are:
Quite often, you do not need the whole list but only a small portion of it. By sorting your results or refining your search, you can narrow down the original list. Alternatively, – and often much easier! – you can select a few assets on the list using Shift or CMD/Ctrl buttons.
With more than one asset selected, you will see the title menu with the following actions.
What is does
Reset selection
Allows you to reset the selection by clicking on the X
Open in new search
This will limit your list to the selected assets.
Edit properties
This will open a simple editing dialog that allows you to set the same value across all selected assets for certain properties. The initial search remains open and can be accessed from the left navigation pane, under Open.
This action won't not available if at least one of the selected assets is checked out.
Every action will be applied to all assets on the list.
Full list of available asset actions
The following actions are accessible in the list view:
from the asset -menu for one certain asset
from the -menu in the title menu for asset selection
One-asset actions are identical to those available on the asset page. Many other actions are also available in a different context, as described here.
Apart from this:
Some actions have more than one option.
Some actions can be reverted. This needs to be done through the asset action menu as there is no undo button otherwise.
When an asset happens to be at the bottom of the list, the -menu is not shown completely. Please scroll down to revoke a scroll bar and see all actions.
The order in the table reflects the order in the UI.
What it does
Available for
Assign to
Opens a dialogue window where you can select a workflow to be applied to the asset and assign a new task to a person.
This action won't not available for an asset that is currently checked out.
Open in new search
This will limit your list to the selected asset(s).
Cancel edit
These actions are only available for an asset that is currently checked out.
Save version
Save and close
Edit properties
Opens a dialogue window for editing properties called Content Editor.
For multiple assets, this allows to bulk-edit asset properties and set a consistent value across multiple assets. The properties where values do not match will be shown as Different values.
Generates a translation report for the assets that have been translated. The report is shown in the UI and is ready for download as a CSV file. Read more about translation reports here.
This action is only available for certain assets, such as those of the text type.
Open a simple dialogue for creating a translation order. Please keep in mind the following:
This action is only available for certain assets, such as those of the text type.
The asset must also be a variant to be included into a translation order.
The action only creates a translation order asset but does not place it. To place your order, you need to open the new asset and click on Send Order.
Create a new asset that is identical to the selected one.
In the web client, the duplicates will have a relation of "Duplicate of/Duplicates" type.
In the desktop censhare Client, it is possible to select the relation type before saving the duplicate of an asset. By default, the assignment relation will be created.
Changes on the duplicate assets won't be synchronized.
Create working copy
Create a working copy that can be used by content managers responsible for the release process. Changes on those assets won't be synchronized but can be merged later as described here.
Release working copy
Releases the working copy of the asset and merges changes to the original asset as described here.
Create group
Creates a group of assets. Groups can be treated similarly to usual file folders on your PC. They come in handy when you want to export more than one asset using export groups.
Show relations
Opens a list of asset that have relations to the selected asset.
Delete asset | Move to trash
Moves assets to the trash from where they can be restored later.
Not available for assets with a working copy.
Delete asset | Delete
Deletes assets from the system immediately.
Not available for assets with a working copy.
Create social media post
Opens a wizard for creating social media posts as described here.
This action is only available for image and video asset types.
Read more about variants here. Available options are:
Variant without update flag
Variant with update flag
Layout geometry variant
Alias variant
Transformation variant
Resource replace variant
Archive / Dearchive
The Archive action will mark the asset for archival. This prevents assets from being deleted. In the web UI, the asset will remain accessible normally, e.g., through a search.
If you want to revert this restriction and make assets deletable again, click Dearchive.
Export | Export module assets
Exports asset master file, asset XML file, and – for media assets – a thumbnail and a preview.
Opens a transformation selection dialogue. Upon selecting a transformation, the assets will be exported as described here.
If you want to get back to the original list after performing any actions on the assets, you have two options. For searches, you can find everything in the left navigation pane, under Open. The original search and all lists that you created out of it, will be displayed there. Alternatively, you can switch between open assets, lists, and – if applicable – Properties Editor using the arrows on the top left.
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