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Privacy Policy

(Last revised and updated May 30, 2022)


censhare GmbH (collectively with its affiliated companies, “censhare”) respects your privacy and recognizes the need for appropriate protection of “personal information” that you provide to us, or that is collected by us. censhare has established this policy (“Privacy Policy”) to describe what personal information is collected, how we use this personal information and how to contact us if you have questions about the use of your personal information. Please take a moment to read it and be reassured that your information with censhare is secure. By using this site, you agree with the terms of this Privacy Policy. Whenever you submit personal information via this site, you consent to the collection, use, and disclosure of that information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

Type and collection of personal data

censhare collects personal data for various activities that you perform when you visit our website. In detail, these are:

  • Your visit on our website: Some data such as cookies, Internet domains or IP addresses are automatically collected and processed when you visit our website. They are collected for technical reasons and in order to maintain and improve the functionality of our website (see sections "Cookies and IP addresses", "Google Analytics", "Google Tag Manager", "Google Conversion Tracking" and "Lucky Orange").
  • Registration for censhare training events: name, e-mail address, company, postal address and optionally telephone number. We collect this data for the purpose of processing the registration and to be able to contact you in case of enquiries.
  • Registration for the censhare newsletter: name, e-mail address, industry and optionally company. We collect this data in order to provide you with the latest information about our products in a targeted manner.

How is Personal Information disclosed?

censhare uses external service providers, currently HubSpot Ireland, Ltd. (HubSpot Ireland, Ltd. may store and process personal data via HubSpot Inc., USA, based on EU standard contractual clauses) to contact site visitors, convey offers, and/or conduct marketing activities (including co-marketing activities with third parties). These service providers are thoroughly selected and instructed in writing by censhare. They are bound to censhare's instructions and inspected on a regular basis.

Except as provided in this Privacy Policy, we will not sell, rent, lease or disclose your personal information to anyone. Further, censhare will not provide personal information gathered from our website to any third party without your consent, except (a) to third parties which may use it in connection with providing the services on our site and/or assisting censhare in the conduct of our business, or (b) as necessary to prevent, investigate or take action against suspected illegal activities, fraud, threats to the physical safety of any person or property, violations of the censhare Terms of Use or as otherwise required by law or applicable courts, or (c) in the event of merger, consolidation or sale of all or substantially all of our assets, in which case we will require any such buyer to agree to treat it in accordance with this Privacy Policy. You may revoke your consent of censhare use of your personal information as described below.

Cookies and IP Addresses

“Cookies” are small pieces of information placed on a user's hard drive by a web page server. Cookies are common in the industry and they are used at most major sites for record-keeping purposes, tracking web traffic patterns, promotions, better delivery of service and products to the user, enabling the user to more easily navigate a website in the future, and sharing of aggregated site statistics only with third parties acting as a service partner for censhare. The stored information can be retrieved by the same censhare server that created the cookie. This allows censhare to personalize, monitor, or regulate the use of this site and also permits censhare to automate the access and data-entry functions of the site (e.g., login information), or downloads you may make while visiting the site, and to tailor the appearance or presentation of the site to your preferences or interests. In addition, cookies allow censhare to track usage of the site (e.g., to determine which areas of the site are useful or popular) and permit us to improve and update the website effectively. When you first visited our website, we asked for your consent to place cookies on your hard drive. If you have given your consent there and now wish to revoke it, please use settings of your browser to delete all cookies, or selectively delete cookies from,,,,,,,,,, and

You will be asked for your consent again the next time you visit our website.

An IP address is an internet address that identifies a user's computer terminal. censhare may collect and use IP addresses to analyze trends, administer the site, track users' movements while visiting our website, and gather demographic information for aggregate use. As a general rule, censhare does not link your IP addresses to your other personal information.

Social Plugins

This website uses so-called Social Plugins, from now on called “buttons” of social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Xing, YouTube and others. When you visit our website, these buttons are deactivated by default. No data will be sent to these social networks. To activate such a button, you explicitly have to click on them. The button then remains active until you deactivate them, and/or delete their cookies (see chapter “Cookies” above). Once you have activated a button, a direct connection to the server of the social network will be established, and content will flow between the button and the social network. censhare has no influence on the kind and amount of data transmitted to social networks via their buttons once they have been activated. Please refer to the data protection and privacy policies of the respective social network. If you are a registered and logged-in user of such a social network, your visit at censhare’s website may be associated with your user account in the social network after activating the button. If you do not wish this information to be related to your user account in the social network, please log out of the network before activating its button on our website.


This website uses Matomo an open-source web analytics platform. It is used in order to measure, collect, analyze and report visitors' data for purposes of understanding and optimizing our website. Matomo uses cookies (text files) which will be stored on your computer to analyze the use of the website and logging to the website. The information we collect will be stored on a server located in Germany and will not be disclosed to a third party. After being processed your IP address is immediately rendered into an anonymous form before being stored. You may refuse the use of cookies by selecting the appropriate settings on your browser. However, please note that if you do this, you may not be able to use the full functionality of this website.


We take reasonable steps to protect your personal information as you transmit your information from your computer to our site and to protect such information from loss, misuse, and unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction. You should keep in mind that no Internet transmission is ever 100% secure or error-free. In particular, e-mail sent to or from this site may not be secure, and you should therefore take special care in deciding what information you send to us via e-mail. Moreover, where you use passwords, ID numbers, or other special access features on this site, it is your responsibility to safeguard them. We recommend you, not to divulge your password to anyone and to change your password often and use a password which is a combination of letters and numbers, at minimum 7 characters are required.

Information about my personal data

Upon request, we will be pleased to provide you with information about the personal data stored about you. Please use the contact details below for this purpose.

How can I revoke my consent?

You may wish to revoke your consent to the collection, use and disclosure of your personal data. You also have the right to request the freezing or deletion of some or all of your personal data. In this case, we are no longer allowed to use your personal data for the purpose(s) intended by censhare. To revoke your consent, please contact us as indicated below.

How to contact us

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about this Privacy Policy or the information practices of this site, please contact us at , or write us at:

censhare GmbH
Paul-Gerhardt-Allee 50
81245 Munich / Germany

ATTN: censhare Data Privacy Protection Officer

Privacy policy last modified and updated on May 30, 2022

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