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HCMS Proxy Configuration

Configurations within the Satellite Configuration Group.

Configurations within the Satellite Configuration Group.

Element: config

    The Proxy configuration allows attaching a reverse proxy to an online channel instance.


@version [ required | fixed: 1 ]


  • all of these elements:

    • [0, 1] '→tls'
      » SSL client configuration

    • [0, 1] '→rules'
      » target hosts

Element: tls

SSL client configurations


@trust-all [ default: true ] ↦ boolean
trust all certificates; enabled by default

Element: rules

Define source and target


  • sequence of these elements:

    • [0, n] '→rule'

Element: rule

Configure a redirecting rule


@hostid [ required ] ↦ string
hostid from the webserver bundle
@path [ required ] ↦ string
prefix path to match
@target [ required ] ↦ anyURI
target URL
optional prefix to remove

The Proxy Configuration configures a reverse proxy.

Multiple Proxy Configurations .

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