HCMS Statistics configuration
Configurations within the Satellite Configuration Group.
Configurations within the Satellite Configuration Group.
Element: config
Enable and configure the statistics service access
@version [ required | fixed: 1 ]
all of these elements:
[0, 1] '→groups'
» Elements collected are structured by groups
Element: groups
Create groups - define data for each event type.
sequence of these elements:
[1, n] '→group'
» Group defines a set of data and structure of data points for an event.
Element: group
Connect data point semantic name to db-table column.
@id [ required ] ↦ string
Provide custom name
sequence of these elements:
[1, n] '→attribute'
» Define a key value pair in data point
Element: attribute
Define data settings.
@name [ required ] ↦ string
The name used in the Datapoint.
@type [ required ] ↦ { long | asset | string }
The columns data-type
@column [ required ] ↦ { asset_id | value_long_0 | value_long_1 | value_long_2 | value_long_3 | value_long_4 | value_string_0 | value_string_1 | value_string_2 | value_string_3 | value_string_4 }
Available columns in statistics table on server-db
The Statistics Configuration configures the statistics service usable by satellites in the configuration group. It provides is an optional service.
On Statistics Configuration may be present in a configuration group to configure the optional statistics service.
The statistics service is a fast and buffered service for collecting data from the satellite to the server. But it is ...
... write only - satellite can not read any data collected
... bufferd: on connection to server lost the satellite buffers the data local and writes it through on connection regain.
... fills a dump, fixed structured db-table in server-db. Report generation is to be done.