Online Chanel Release Notes
New = New feature
Fix = Bugfix
Opt = Optimization
Kis = Known issue
Rem = Remark
Dep = Deprecated
Chg = Changes Previous Functionality
Ref = Major refactoring, functionality should be identical to previous.
Fix Fix live reconfiguration of datastore in docker container (true / true)
Symptom: When run inside docker container (typical case of HCMS), any change of DataStore.xml leads to restart of that bundle, even if live reconfiguration should succeed.
Cause: The path to the data directory is not exactly the same: the new version has trailing slash. The original version from satellite startup does not have this slash, because the directory does not exist yet.
Solution: Trailing slash is removed to make sure that such a meaningless difference never prevents optimized reconfiguration.
Version 2023.1.0 released 2023-10-25
Fix Fixed handling of PNG optimization in DIC
Symptom: When the input file (dic_master) is an unsupported variant of png (colormap+alpha, maybe others) and the variant is also PNG, processing fails
Cause: The optimization library does not handle unsupported formats at all and just throws some random exception.
Solution: Exception is handled and the unoptimized png is served instead.
Version 2022.2.0 released 2023-04-06
Rem JDK17
2022.1 is the last release with support for JDK11, from 2022.2 on JDK17 is now required!
Version 2022.1.0 released 2022-08-17
Opt AppComService: contribute to satellite health state
AppComService now contributes to the satellite health state if certificates (censhare-Server/rmis) are about to expire
Opt DataStore: shutdown after CDB backup
set environment variable DATASTORE_EXIT_AFTER_BACKUP=true, after the first backup, the satellite will shutdown (e.g. usefull in a docker rebuild task)
Opt Amazon SDK 1.12.268
updated amazon sdk to 1.12.268
Opt Jetty 10.0.11
updated jetty to 10.0.11
Fix Adds support for authorized AWS EC2 medata detection
Symptom: S3 storage is disabled on some EC2 instances, even though it's correctly configured
Cause: The IMDSv1 is disabled by a commandline command "aws ec2 modify-instance-metadata-options --http-tokens required" (or a corresponding CloudFormation directive), which means that EC2 environment autodetection fails. This is interpreted as "no EC2 roles are available" and when combined with lack of access/secret key pair, the S3 is disabled completely.
Solution: Use the IMDSv2 API to obtain authorization token. To future-proof the solution, it is also possible to override this detection completely via environment variable "S3_REGION_OVERRIDE" (must be set to a correct region value).
Opt preview - CORS Headers
for preview cors headers origins can now be whitelisted (exact match), if nothing is specified, the previous behaviour is used, and every request is passed through. This fixes also issues with the preview in WP-Clients.
Opt build support for external repository (true)
support for the external repository has been added. to use this add properties binaries_user, binaries_api_key to your gradle config, or set the enviroment variables BINARIES_USER, BINARIES_KEY
Opt Support for encrypted PEMs (true)
Private Keys (PEM) encoded can now also be provided encrypted for community session manager & webserver. in this case the password has to be provided as "password" attribute on the pem element.
Fix Fixes NullPointerException with empty filter (xpath) expression
Symptom: filter not working
Cause: an exception is thrown and caught if an empty filter is set
Solution: do not use filter expression if string is empty
Opt Variable Replacement in OSGI configurations (true)
In OSGi Configurations now variables can be used. Variables can be used in text nodes or in attribute node. The pattern is ${env:<ENVIRONMENTVARIABLE>} or ${env:<ENVIRONMENTVARIABLE/JSONPOINTER>}. Only the complete value of the Node can be replaced. e.g <test secret="${env:SECRET}"> <key> ${env:RSA/key} </key> <cert> ${env:RSA/cert} </cert> </test>
Opt jackson-databind
updated jackson-databind to
Version 2021.2.3 released 2022-03-21
Rem support JDK17
Support for jdk17 added. As Builtin JavaScript Support was removed with jdk17, support for JavaScript in Log Filters (AccessLogAppender) is removed when using JDK17.
Rem builtin jquery support removed
the builtin jquery support has been removed, as the version is rather outdated and has CVEs attached to it (1.7)
Version 2021.2.2 released 2022-03-17
Version 2021.2.4 released 2022-02-15
Version 2021.2.1 released 2022-02-14
Opt Jetty 9.4.45.v20220203
updated jetty to 9.4.45.v20220203
Opt OC: Freemarker rendering model - Added NavigationTreeNodeModel.assetId
The NavigationTreeNodeModel now allows direct access to the ID of its declaring navigation asset via the key "assetId".
Opt OC: Widget configuration extension
In the widget's XML configuration it's now possible to: - Create additional widget parameters which do not exist in the underlying component. This needs to be enabled using compatibility flag widget-allow-parameter-creation="true" - Reference (and load) other components from a widget parameter. This needs to be enabled using compatibility flag widget-allow-component-reference="true"
Version 2021.2.0.1 released 2022-01-28
Opt WebServer: Allow to restrict which X-Forwarded-Headers are evaluated (true)
Configuration Options are now available to disable specific X-Forwarded-Headers X-Forwarded-Host (default: false) X-Forwared-Server (default: false) X-Forwarded-Proto (default: true) X-Forwarded-Port (default: false)
Opt Jetty 9.4.44.v20210927
updated jetty to 9.4.44.v20210927
Opt Updated Dependencies: logback
updated logback to 1.2.10
Fix Fixes datastore sync splitting update packages in chunks (true)
Symptom: Satellite got an OOM error while syncing an update of many assets with large inlined storage items.
Cause: After target USN of 0 was reached, the boundary when to split the update into multiple chunks was raised to Long.MAX_VALUE.
Solution: Keep the configured soft max size of storage item data per chunk in any case.
Fix Fixes info about deleted assets in datastore statistics
Symptom: Number of assets to be deleted is constantly raising.
Cause: Deleted assets which are not known by the datastore were ignored.
Solution: Fixed calculation.
Opt Form element 'checkbox-group'
extend set of form elements by 'checkbox-group', failing validation if no child element 'checkbox' is active
Version 2021.2.0 released 2021-10-12
Version 2021.1.1 released 2021-09-21
Opt Updated Dependencies: slf4j / logback
updated slf4j to 1.7.32 updated logback to 1.2.5
Opt Datastore: catch exception if hardlinking failed
If hardlinking fails, the exception is caught and the next datastore backup is tested, if none can be opened, the CDB will be rebuild
Version 2021.1.0 released 2021-08-02
Opt DataStore: AssetChange Notifications improved
AssteChange notificates now do not contain deletes for assets not in datastore anymore. Additionally Information about current/previous assettype is added.
Opt Jetty 9.4.43.v20210629
updated jetty to 9.4.43.v20210629
Version 2020.3.3 released 2021-07-30
Version 2020.3.2.1 released 2021-07-05
Opt WebServer: request/response header max sizes now configurable
request / response header max sizes are now configurable, default is 8KB.
Version 2020.3.2 released 2021-07-02
Fix StorageItemRequest - delegate - wrong datastore service used (true)
Symptom: assets filtered by the datastorefilter of the OnlineChannel Configuration could be accessed anyway
Cause: unfiltered datastore used
Solution: use filtered datastore
Opt Dyamic Image Cache: copy image metadata (true)
It is now possible to copy all image metadata to generated images, if the source format of the image is the same format as the output. so copy is possible from png to png, jpg to jpg, but not from png to jpg, or from jpg to png. All metadata will be copied, which can lead to inconsitent metadata on the image. this can be enabled in the Configuration <config ... copy-all-metadata="true"> this will enforce an rebuild of all images.
Opt SISModel: TextContentHelper (true)
changed from new Locale(asset.getLanguage()) to MiscUtilities.stringToLocale(asset.getLanguage()). new Locale("fr_FR)" - "fr_fr" MiscUtilities.stringToLocale("fr_FR") - "fr_FR" now using the Same Mechanism as LocaleNavigationTreeNodeParameterResolver
Opt Jetty 9.4.40.v20210413
updated jetty to 9.4.40.v20210413
Opt WebServer: rewriterules: do not rewrite request uri for redirects
redirects will not rewrite request uri anymore
Chg LoginComponent: check offsite redirect on logout (true)
Symptom: redirect to external site on logout possible
Cause: redirect call wrongly parameterized
Solution: fix call parameters
Opt WebServer: do not show stacktraces (true)
stacktraces (earlier than the OCSite handles) will not be shown anymore. This can be reenabled in the Webserver configuration
Fix WebServer: truncate ip for forwarded ipv6 not working properly
Symptom: MDC field mdc_cs_remoteIp empty
Cause: when forwarded remote IPv6 maybe passed in as [ipv6]
Solution: strip square brackets.
Opt Community Session Manager / SAML Provider: attribute mapper: extended parameters
site and session are now also passed to the mapped, so a sismodel Configuration can be used
Opt DataStore supports virus check via censhare-Server (true)
DataStore now supports virus checking of storage item files before committing. This can be enabled in the DataStore Configuration setting commit@virus-check=true. This feature has to be supported by censhare-Server and will be introduced there with 2021.1. If enabled and NOT supported by the server, committing files will throw an exception.
Rem Cookie SameSite attribute
If cookies with SameSite attribute are used by the CommunitySessionManager, the WebServer necessarily needs to have cookie compliance level set to RFC6265. CommunitySessionManagerConfiguration: session/[attributes-cookie|remember-cookie|session-cookie]/@same-site="[NONE|STRICT|LAX]" WebServerConfiguration: compatibility/@cookie-compliance="RFC6265"
Opt Jetty jetty-9.4.38.v20210224
updated jetty to 9.4.38.v20210224
Fix CommunitySessionManager: fix binary incompatiblity
Symptom: compile errors on client projects / NoSuchMethod
Cause: public method signature changed
Solution: re-add old signature again
Version 2020.3.1 released 2021-02-15
Fix DeploymentServer: thread exhaustion
Symptom: Thread Leakage
Cause: Pipes were not released if an osgi bundle / osgi configuration could not be loaded from the server
Solution: after transfer finally close the the logger and make sure all pipes are released
Opt WebServer: contribute to satellite health state
WebServer now contributes to the satellite health state if certificates are about to expire
Opt Community Session Manager / SAML Provider: attribute mapper: extended parameters
the provider id and NameId of the authenticated party are also provided to the attribute mapper
Opt Path Style Support for S3 access
Dynamic Image Cache and DataStore support now "path style access" to S3. this has to be switched on adding xml attribute 'path-style-access="true"' to the bucket configuration
Opt ImageRequestDelegate: convert-alias urls + watermark
support for watermarks in convert-alias urls added
Opt Community Session Manager / SAML Provider: contribute to satellite health state
Community Session Mananger and SAML now contribute to the satellite health state if misconfigured or if certificates used with saml are about to expire
Opt ImageRequestDelegate: support HEAD requests
HEAD requests are no suppored by the Image Request Delegate
Opt WebServer: adjust default excluded weak ciphers
Adjusted excluded ciphers to jetty default: "^.*_(MD5|SHA|SHA1)$", "^TLSRSA.*$", "^SSL_.*$", "^.*NULL.*$", "^.*anon.*$", "^.*CBC.*$"
these chipers can be renabled by explicitly configuring the excluded ciphers for the connector: <ciphers> <cipher exclude="true">.*RC4.*</cipher> <cipher exclude="true">.*DES.*</cipher> </ciphers>
Version 2020.2.2 released 2021-01-19
Opt disable indices by default if not configured otherwise
as some indices won't be able to build properly due to restricitons in the oc these will now be disabled by default currently this is: censhare:function.oc-live-tagged-file-id
Fix DynamicImageChace: resource leak with watermark (true)
Symptom: Connections in CLOSE_WAIT, open file handles
Cause: if watermark is used, input stream is not closed
Solution: use autoclosing try-catch
Opt AWS S3 SDK 1.11.917
updated aws s3 sdk to 1.11.917
Opt Jetty 9.4.35.v20201120
updated jetty to 9.4.35.v20201120
Opt AWS S3 SDK 1.11.911
updated aws s3 sdk to 1.11.911
Opt SISModel: ListProvider/Search added additional count calculation for combinator OR (multiselect) (true)
There is a new mode for Count calculation in the Facettted values for multiselect (or) available. This should provide the numbers of the seperate items, and not the expected total result. You can activate this per facette (attribute: use-multi-facet-or-2="true") or by setting compatibility/search/facet@use-multi-facet-or-2="true" in the site configuration. CAVEAT: - that this mode has it's limitation when one asset can have multiple values, as these values are reverse calculated from the total result counts, this can give too low/high numbers. - this adds additional facets to your query which will have an performance impact on your query.
Fix SAML - logout request - name id type (true)
Symptom: logout not successfull
Cause: logout request does not specify the correct format for nameid
Solution: use format configured for the request as well
Opt Satellite / Windows: support local.jvm.options
local.jvm.options is now supported in to have local jvm settings on this machine, not overwritten by server
Fix deleted filter filters to many assets (true)
Symptom: asset in deletion state 'UNDEFINED' and 'LOCKED' are filtered
Cause: only deletion state 'NONE' was the only valid state
Solution: filter assets in states 'MARKED', 'PHYSICAL', 'PROPOSED'
Opt Satellite Cert generate: removed warnings insecure hash algorithm
switched from SHA1withRSA to SHA256withRSA
Opt Jetty 9.4.34.v20201102
updated jetty to 9.4.34.v20201102
Opt Dynamic Image Cache: full support for element index
New behaviour looking the correct storage storage item using elementidx. This wasn't taken in account everywhere correctly. This needs to be activated by a newly introduced compatiblity switch.
Version 2020.2.1 released 2020-10-23
Opt Jetty 9.4.32.v20200930
updated jetty to 9.4.32.v20200930
Opt DataStore: support for SortGroups added
QueryResult now supports the retrival of SortGroups if sorts group are requested during sorting, subresults are delivered for specified groups, sometimes the "auto" mode is enough.
Opt Satellite: Json/Gelf Encoders support for SLF4J markers added
SLF4j markers are now supported in the Gelf and Json Encoders of the satellte. Support for multiple markers for the GELF encoder needs to be explicitly enabled as arrays are not covered by GELF standard. MultiMarker Support requires also update of the censhare Satellite. Not all log messages are already tagged, a feature which will grow over time. Example Configuration: <encoder class="com.censhare.satellite.logging.encoder.GelfEncoder"> <mdcSeperator>_</mdcSeperator> <multipleMarkers>true</multipleMarkers> </encoder>
Opt SAML - logout request - binding / signing improvements
logout requests now use the same binding types & signing settings as the auth requests
Opt OC: CSM - Login / E-Mailfallback
If the login using a Provider (e.g. SAML/Facebook) provides an email address in addition to the provider specific id string, CSM
Opt OC: Authentication Interceptor Improvements
when visiblity filters (component-delegate/@apply-permissions="true" in OC config) were active, requests for assets invisible to the unauthenticated user, resulted in a 404. A new behaviour can be actived by setting component-delegate/@check-unfiltered-navigation-state="true". This switch will cause a second try to "resolveForward" (from url to navigation state) with the bare site datastore if the session is not authenticated (and no though no session filters applied). This is indicated to the AuthententicationInterceptor causiing a redirect to the login page. This needs to be activated manualy and tested, if it fits the application needs.
Fix OC SDK/ Demo Project fixed Java dependency
Symptom: Compile Errors
Cause: Still dependency on JDK8 while other dependencies require JDK11
Solution: require JDK11
Opt Form Generator: added target for sending mails using direct SMTP connection
Sending Mails is now supported by using a direct SMTP connection
Opt OC: bouncer now keeps querystring
bouncer now keeps the querystring of the url after successful authentication
Fix WebServer: truncate ip address resolved hostname provided by X-Forwarded-Headers
Symptom: requests logged in access log or using forwarded="true" could do a dns lookup for incoming hostnames on the forwarded header
Cause: Used InetAddres.getByName() does DNS lookup
Solution: Use address parsing from library
New Loading components / resources / skins from OSGi Bundle (true)
A New way to add components / static resources and skins is introduced. these can be provided through OSGi by know. For this you can implement the interfaces (and register in OSGi) com.censhare.oc.system.component.rendering.SkinResolver com.censhare.oc.system.component.ComponentDataLoader or use a Predefined version like com.censhare.oc.system.bundle.BundleLoader in your custom Activator. for an example please see com.censhare.oc.demo.Activator in the demo project inside the SDK.
Opt VideoModel inits from video-tag always
The VideoModel was reading 'autoplay' and 'videoAspectRatio' only from video xml tag if a poster was also provided. Change is to be activated by compatibility flag in OC-config.
Opt Jetty 9.4.31.v20200723
updated jetty to 9.4.31.v20200723
Fix WebServer: rewriterules not in access og (true)
Symptom: requests answered by rewriterules (pattern/regex) not showing up in the request log
Cause: wrong order in initialisation
Solution: fix order
Version 2020.2.0 released 2020-08-11
Fix CommunitySessionManager: hash passwords using bcrypt failed
Symptom: updating password failed, recovering password failed on the save password step
Cause: wrong parameter count
Solution: fix method invocation
Version 2020.1.3 released 2020-07-14
Opt DatastoreConnectedModel implements boolean only
it is now supported to remove scalar model by use of compatibility flag from 'DatastoreConnectedModel' improving usability in templating. Removing scalar model allows intuitive 'cs-if="cs.datastore.isConnected"' instead of clumsy 'cs-if="cs.datastore.isConnected && true"'
Opt Jetty 9.4.30.v20200611
updated jetty to 9.4.30.v20200611
Opt Webserver: added support for static headers
additional headers can now be configured for each vhost (and the default host)
Opt CommunitySessionManager: hash passwords using bcrypt by default
passwords are now hashed using bcrypt by default. an switch is added to the CommunitySessionManager config to update the assets after login if not using bycrypt already (default off)
Version 2020.1.2 released 2020-04-20
Opt DataStore: shared s3 file system with server / iam roles
if shared s3 file system with server and iam roles were used, local (developement satellites) wouldn't start. if secret-key / access-key is not specified, an additional check is done to verify if satellite is running in EC2, if not the fs configuration is skipped.
Opt DataStore: index type hierachical
index type hierachical is now supported in the datastore configuration
Opt Jetty 9.4.28.v20200408
updated jetty to 9.4.28.v20200408
Version 2020.1.1 released 2020-04-15
Fix WebServer: Cookie Compliance (Response Cookies) (true)
Symptom: exception cookie does not match RFC6265, whilst in compatibility RFC2965 is selected
Cause: cookie compliance was only set for request cookies
Solution: set cookie compliance also for response cookies
Version 2020.1.0 released 2020-03-23
Opt Jetty 9.4.27.v20200227
updated jetty to 9.4.27.v20200227
Version 2019.3.1.1 released 2020-01-30
Opt OC: DataStoreFilter
OC DataStore Filters now support also to filter for deletion=0 (NONE). Additionally the code has been so a FilteredDataStoreService can be configured as instance in OSGi (dependent on another real DataStoreService) and be just together with HCMS e.g.
Opt Jetty 9.4.26.v20200117
updated jetty to 9.4.26.v20200117
Opt ComponentActions: validation
the @Action annotation has been extended to support @Action(validate="true"), in case of true the component needs to implement the interface "com.censhare.oc.system.component.ComponentAction.ActionValidation", otherwise an exception is thrown.
Opt WebServer: Allow to restrict which Forwarded-Headers are evaluated (true)
Extended the connector configuration, so that in the forwarded case, the "Forwarded" - header or the group of "X-Forwarded-*" - headers can be used, or both (default, as before), in case of both the "Forwarded" - header is prefered. This setting should be restricted to the HTTP request headers, which are actually created by the proxy or load balancer that is used, otherwise values could be spoofed by the original requestor. The new sample configuration is restricted to the X-Forwarded-Headers.
Version 2019.3.1 released 2019-12-18
Opt OCSite - allow access to image service
added getter to oc site to provice easy access to image service api
Opt OCSession - support cookie attribute same site (true)
added support for same site attributes in session manager configuration for different cookies
Opt OCSession - allow access to session id
OCSession no provides read access to the session id, if this is supported by the underlying session manager. dependening on the implementation this session id is only available for logged in users.
Opt Jetty 9.4.24.v20191120
updated jetty to 9.4.24.v20191120
Version 2019.3.0 released 2019-11-25
Opt DataStore: add possibility to mark storage items as stream - only (true)
it is now supported to mark storage items as stream - only. these storage items will be downloaded from the censhare-Server via the RMI-Connection everytime their input stream is requested. <storage> .... <stream-only xpath="storage_item``[
@filelength>102400 and not( ../starts-with(../@type,'module.') or @key='dic_master
' or ../@domain='
.' or starts-with(@mimetype, 'text/'))]
"/> </storage> automaticly excluded are storage items whiche are inlined / indexed
Opt Visibililty Filters (Permission Groups)
it is now supported to supply your own visibilty filter implementation by extending com.censhare.oc.system.component.IPermissionFilter an sample implemntation can be found in the demo project in class
Opt freemarker 2.3.29
updated freemarker to 2.3.29
Opt Updated GC settings in default JVM Configuration/
updated gc settings to contain actual timestamp in log
Version 2019.2.4 released 2019-11-06
Opt Jetty 9.4.22.v20191022
updated jetty to 9.4.22.v20191022
Version 2019.2.3 released 2019-10-22
Opt FormUtil: support input type 'number'
form input type 'number' is now supported
Opt SAML - relayState
SAML now allows the use of the relayState in an request to transfer the redirectTarget
Opt Jetty 9.4.21.v20190926
updated jetty to 9.4.21.v20190926
Opt LinkModel: changed content disposition for downloads if target="new-window" (true)
if "new-window" is choosen as target for a link to a storage item, a normal url is generated where no "Content-Disposition: attachment" header is added to the HTTP response.
Opt OpenSAML 3.4.3
updated OpenSAML to 3.4.3
Opt Jetty 9.4.20.v20190813
updated jetty to 9.4.20.v20190813
Opt Datastore synchronization: limit size of the pipeline (true)
Synchronization pipeline contains two queues with limited size, to avoid excessive memory consumption. Default limit is 10 update packages of total size 25 MiB (soft limit: update package can be added to queue even if the resulting size is exceeded, as long as the queue is not full before adding). Both of these values can be changed in datastore configuration.
New New configuration option to disable deployment and code execution from server (true)
Deployment and service calls from server can be disabled if required by restrictive security policy. All bundles and configuration files must be deployed from local directory instead.
New Attribute whitelist for checksum-based asset change detection (true)
Configuration of attributes that are part of asset change detection checksum can be now specified either as a "blacklist" (sequence of <exclude> elements specifying which attributes are ignored) or as a "whitelist" (sigle <exclude attribute="*
"> and sequence of <include> elements specifying which attributes are part of the checksum).
Version 2019.2.2.1 released 2019-08-21
Opt DependencyUpdate: Apache Felix
updated apache felix dependencies to their latest versions: org.apache.felix.framework: 6.0.2 -> 6.0.3 org.apache.felix.configadmin: 1.9.2 -> 1.9.16 org.apache.felix.log: 1.0.1 -> 1.2.0 org.apache.felix.metatype: 1.2.0 -> 1.2.2
Opt SISModel: asset-types & nodenames for wrappers now configurable (2)
for sismodel wrappers the sites to bind to are now configurable (default all sites)
Fix Dynamic Image Cache: fixed crop calculation (true)
Symptom: croppings from the asset not used
Cause: wrong alias was compared with the cropping feature
Solution: use correct alias
Fix DataStore: no change notifications on modifications
Symptom: no change notfications send for modifications
Cause: during refactoring to provide better method based on real modifications introduced in 2019.2.2, the type for modification was switched and were handled as deletion
Solution: use proper type for changey
Fix Dynamic Image Cache: reduce requests to S3
Symptom: too many requests to s3
Cause: broken expiry check
Solution: fixed expiry check and added direct check for file, then falling back to listing to reduce costs
Opt CommunitySessionManager: black list sessions on logout (true)
to prevent existing sessions from beiing reused after logout, you can enable blacklisting of sessions. in this case on logout session ids and timeouts are persistent at the asset. This behaviour is disabled by default. You can enable it in the Community Session Manager Configuration >session .... blacklist-session-on-logout="true"< the asset feature "censhare:module.oc.session-blacklist" needs to be present for this to work.
Version 2019.2.2 released 2019-08-02
Fix Filtered DataStoreSession for alternative path resolution
Symptom: alternative path was resolved to correct path, but after redirect a 404 occured
Cause: an unfiltered datastore session was used to calculate the target path
Solution: use datastore session from component context
Fix Apply domain filter to resources root as well
The domain filter for resources in the OC configuration is now also applied to the resources root. Enabled by compatibility switch: apply-filter-to-resources-root="true"
Fix Satellite Installer - error in Debian 10
Symptom: not gzip error
Cause: shopt checkwinsize is on by default in scripts now
Solution: change variable name in script
Opt Webserver: removed custom error handler
removed custom error handler as the change were obsolet
Fix Jetty: MaxFormContentSize / MaxFormKeys wrongly intialized with 0 (true)
Symptom: HTTP POST with no Content-Length may return HTTP 400
Cause: if no Content-Length is given, the MaxFormContentSize of will block after the throw a "Form too Large"
Solution: initialize with -1, to use the jetty defaults
New Asset change detection by checksum
When enabled in DataStore configuration (element change-detection), AssetChangeEvent is generated only for assets whose content really changed, fully ignoring metadata attributes like currversion, checkout status, all sid and rowid, etc. "CCN snapshots" also contain all necessary data and their diff() method give results consistent with the generated events (this allowing synchronization to "catch up" after restart).
Opt Jetty 9.4.19.v20190610
updated jetty to 9.4.19.v20190610
Opt Static Asset Resolver - to url transformation cacheing
added cacheing layer in the url calculation per request to improve the speed of the transformation form navigation state to url
Opt ComponentContext Attributes - extended with flush parameters
ComponentContext Attributes can now add flushing parameters, so these are deleted if the locale or datastore filters change
Version 2019.2.1 released 2019-06-25
Fix BootStrapConfiguration did not write back since 2019.2.0
Symptom: changes in jvm configuration were not written back to
Cause: missing registration as ConfigurationListener in OSGI
Solution: register in OSGI
Opt RMI: keepalive and readtimeout (true)
activated tcp keepalive and socket read timeout for new installations, this can be activated by extending your satellites com.censhare.satellite.appcom.impl.RMIAppComService$socket-keep-alive=true com.censhare.satellite.appcom.impl.RMIAppComService$socket-read-timeout=900000
Opt DataStore: Improved Connection Check with timeout (true)
added a timeout to the call to the OCDataStoreService for connection checking
Fix Mediaportal download info: Use localized asset name if available (true)
Symptom: Basket download info in mediaportal may not show correct localized asset name.
Cause: Name feature was used, but locale attribute not considered.
Solution: Use localized asset name if available.
Fix HTTP2 Support
Symptom: WebServer did not start with http2="true"
Cause: Missing ALPN provider
Solution: added the missing ALPN provider jar
Opt WebServer: added option to specifiy default hostname for connector (true)
Added an Option to specifiy an hostname / port for an connector, which is used instead of the system's ip address if the Host header is missing (HTTP/1.0)
e.g. <connector port="8095" forwarded="false" secure="false" forwarded-levels="1" http10-hostname="" http10-port="443"/>
Opt WebServer: adjust default excluded weak ciphers (true)
Adjusted excluded ciphers to jetty default: "^.*_(MD5|SHA|SHA1)$", "^TLSRSA.*$", "^SSL_.*$", "^.*NULL.*$", "^.*anon.*$"
these chipers can be renabled by explicitly configuring the excluded ciphers for the connector: <ciphers> <cipher exclude="true">.*RC4.*</cipher> <cipher exclude="true">.*DES.*</cipher> </ciphers>
Fix DataStore: live applied changes trigger DataStore rebuild after satellite restart
Symptom: DataStore starts rebuild after Satellite / DataStore restart / no changes in config between stop & start
Cause: the live applyable changes were not considered in the rebuild descision
Solution: test also for live applyable changes, before triggering rebuild
Opt DataStore: UpdateStage - extended loggiing
update stage is now also logging the time for update calls
Opt Push-S3: precheck shadow file
if the server announces to use shadow files (since 2019.2.1) to the datastore, the datastore can do a check to s3, if the shadow file already exists and thous avoid triggering this check by the server. this can help reduce the indexing of storage items if the satellite is nearer to s3
Opt RMI-Compression enabled by default
the use of rmi compression is now enabled by default (level 1), this can be disabled again in the by setting com.censhare.satellite.appcom.impl.RMIAppComService$compression=
Fix Restart of OCService incomplete due to dependency restart failed
Symptom: parts of the site were missing, e.g custom.configuration was not available
Cause: during shutdown (caused by removing a dependency) a service registration was tried to deregister multiple times
Solution: clear list of service registrations after unregister to avoid duplicate deregistration
Opt Jetty 9.4.18.v20190429
updated jetty to 9.4.18.v20190429.
Opt ProductModel - added property mainOrMedia
newly added property mainOrMedia lists all assets with main image or media relation (first main image, then media) in a distinct way (assets with both relations will onyl be considered once)
Fix SAML: don't allow login if not all encrypted assertions could be decrypted
Symptom: login successfull, but no assertions were decrypted
Cause: missing check
Solution: check if all encrypted assertions could be decrypted, otherwise abort the login
Fix Fix potential OOM from Dynamic Image Cache
Symptom: Potential OOM Exception
Cause: a reference to the image asset was kept
Solution: replace field reference to image asset with a method-scope variable
Version 2019.2.0 released 2019-04-25
Rem Java 11
Java 11 is now required, openjdk is now used for development and testing.
New Allow Formular Generator targets to inidciate that they can be executed without app server connection (true)
The FormularGeneratorTarget was extended so that targets could indicate that they don't need an app server connection to be executed. On the frontend side this can be evaluated via FormularGenerator component's parameter targetsNeedAppServerForProcessing. Additionally the parameter preloadTarget needs to be set to true.
Opt RMI Communication: support proxy settings
RMIAppComServices now supports the same settings as the censhare Client
Opt Facebook Login: updated API from 2.8 to 3.2
updated facebook rest api call from version 2.8 to 3.2
Opt Dynamic Image Cache: Improve S3 Read-After-Write behaviour
to improve behaviour, a newly generated image is returned directly from memory to the receiver, instead of streaming it again from s3
Fix Data store live reconfiguration in group mode (true)
Symptom: The data store service is restarted instead of live reconfigured in group mode.
Cause: The configuration is modified internally in group mode which is treated as change requiring a restart.
Solution: Apply internal modification to configuration before checking if a live reconfiguration is possible.
Fix Dynamic Image Cache: fix hash calculation (true)
Symptom: Changes in croppings are not reflected on scaled images
Cause: the hash calculation didn't consider the deprecated use of the cropping asset-rel features directly as asset-features
Solution: consider the asset-rel features on asset if the correct features were not used
New CORS headers for static resources (true)
Allows to send HTTP access control headers for cross-site requests to static resources. Since only simple methods GET and HEAD are valid for these resources, CORS-preflight requests are not supported. If the given Origin is within the allowed list, an appropriate Allow-Origin header is sent. The settings are looked up by asset features "censhare:module.oc.cors" / "censhare:module.oc.cors.allow-origin" recursively up to the resources root.
New Sismodel: add model for product item group
New sismodel für type "product item group" added. To get a flattened list of all product items either directly underneath product or underneath product item groups, use key 'productItemsFlat' on the product model. Add key for media related assets of product.
Opt DataStore: skip forced rebuild if feature is disabled
skip the datastore rebuild/restart if the change in of a feature config is only to set it disabled
Opt DataStore: wrap checkpoint/backup in transaction
use a transaction to ensure checkpoint/backup calls are not interfering with commits
Opt DataStore: skip feature with invalid attribute mapping
An invalid feature attribute mapping could break the datastore synchronisation (invalid syntax, unsupported xpath-expressions used). Theses features are now skipped and not added to the datastore.
Opt DataStore: update index definition if mapping or type changes
the index is now updated on changes in master data for features (changes on mapping or value_type) if the feature already exists in the datastore. old data in the index stays unaffected, an rebuild needs to be triggered manually.
Opt WebServer: RewriteRules allow limiting to http or https
rewrite rules can now be limited to one scheme (e.g. to redirect to https)
Opt AWS S3 ECS credentials
The Online Channel Data Store S3 support will now use the ECS credentials when running as insider ECS and an IAM role is assigned to the task definition.
Please check your IAM roles for ECS containers and tasks if you are updating a Online Channel running in ECS. It will not longer have the container role when a role is assigned to its task definition.
Opt Community Session Manager: set password date
if available the community session manager now sets the feature "censhare:module.oc.password-date" when the password is updated (if the feature is available in the masteredata)
Version 2018.3.3 released 2019-01-25
Opt Extended Freemarker NodeModel support (true)
NodeModel now supports ?next_sibling & ?previous_sibling
Fix DefaultSessionManager: Locale Selection for Request (true)
Symptom: prerequsite: site default locale different from jvm locale when requesting a site without a url segment and no Accept-Language header, the jvm default locale was used, not the site default locale
Cause: Request.getLocale() defaults to Locale.getDefault()
Solution: check if a Accept-Language header is present, otherwise use the site locale
Opt SISModel: asset-types & nodenames for wrappers now configurable (true)
for sismodel wrappers the asset types or node names (depending on type) are now configurable
Fix Fixed HTTP multi range requests
Symptom: when requesting multiple ranges in one request, the second part delivered a wrong part of the input stream
Cause: skipping was not relative to the latest point
Solution: remember last position and skip relative to this position in the stream
New Facet source available in faceted search result (true)
Query result now provides alternate view of faceted results, grouped by facet source instead of feature key. This applies only to facets with non-null source; in standard Online Channel, this map is always empty. ˙Headless CMS, however, uses this to identify facet values from different part of the query.
Opt WebServer: connection limit / rate limit added
now new options to limit the webserver connections are offered: default values are: connections="1000" accept-rate-limit="1000" accept-rate-limit-period-in-ms="1000"
Opt Satellite file handle limit
Increase recommended file handle limit 8192 to 16384. Please adjust the systemd service file on upgrades.
Fix Locale fallbacks for localized text assets
Symptom: Multiple locale fallbacks for one locale are defined in the Online Portal configuration, but the localized content on the website does not reflect the order of the fallbacks, changing the order has no effect.
Cause: When searching for locale fallback TextContentHelper methods does not sort the available alternatives by priority of configuration.
Solution: Changed TextContentHelper to sort available alternatives by priority of configuration.
Opt StorageItemContent.getInputStream(offset,length)
To support range requests efficiently for AWS S3 the StorageItemContent was extended to pass this range information to S3, or equally to the local storage. ResponseData was extended to able to take advantage from above extention.
Opt Jetty 9.4.14.v20181114
updated jetty to 9.4.14.v20181114.
Opt OC: NavigationState - clear parameters if active node changes
added option to clear invalid parameters from last navigation state if active node is set to a new value. this can lead to a non-resolvable state. this is a new behavior and needs to be enabled using compatibility flag navigation-state-remove-invalid-parameter-values="true"
New OC: Instance DataStore Filters
added option to replace standard filters for period, template flag and outputchannel with specific ones which provide better performance when used to filter getAsset() calls
Version 2018.3.2 released 2018-12-11
Opt SAML: extended attribute mapping
extended attribute mapping to also map XSBoolean, XSInteger and XSAny besides the already supported XSString
Version 2018.3.1 released 2018-11-27
Version 2018.3.0 released 2018-11-23
Fix Hierarchical Feature Mode
Symptom: Neither setting the default hierarchical feature mode in a version 1 data store configuration nor setting the hierarchical feature mode per feature in a version 2 data store configuration has any effect.
Cause: The internal transformation from version 1 to 2 data store configurations always sets the default hierarchical feature mode to "store-hierarchical". The per feature configuration is always overwritten with the default mode.
Solution: Take the configured default hierarchical feature mode into account during data store configuration transformation from version 1 to 2. Don't set the default mode for features that are already explicitly configured.
Opt restart on OOM now automatically restarts the satellite on OOM if the satellite is started with -XX:+ExitOnOutOfMemoryError
New AutoScaling: Support for db on shared FileSystem (true)
It is now supported to put the db in group mode on a shared file system like EFS, and use snapshots of these databases when autoscaling
Version 2018.2.3 released 2018-10-29
Opt Support multiple regions for AWS S3 filesystems used by Data Store storage item push
For Satellites running in different regions, they now can select an S3 bucket in their own region.
Rem Remote DataStore removed
RemoteDataStore bundle is now removed from the build / release
Version 2018.2.2.1 released 2018-10-16
Version 2018.2.2 released 2018-09-28
Opt OCConfig: force canonical redirects to be permanent (true)
Allow by OnlineChannel configuration 'redirect-to-canonical@always-permanent' to enforce all canonical redirects to use HTTP.301 response state. If omitted or 'false' (default) redirects to browser locale use HTTP.302.
Opt DIC: improve urls / support for "no crop" images (true)
The ImageRequestDelegate can now: - convert aliases to concrete settings on url generation so multiple aliases with the same setting are getting the same url - use a "contentHash" instead of ccn / version of a asset to determine change - redirect to a canonical url The ImageService now supports "noCrop" version of Images with feature 'censhare:module.oc.dic-image-no-crop'. In this case always the whole image is used and centered in surrounding image with the selected background color (default black) or transparent (for png). The Above Mentioned ContentHash is also used while store the files to reduce unnecessary computation of images.
Version 2018.2.0 released 2018-07-26
Opt DataStore: improve syncronisation speed (true)
Disable hashcode checking for immutable storage item files, to improve sync speed. If the storage item files reside on a file system with a usage type other than "assets" (like module assets), they are still checked to ensure the current content is synchronized. The cached table "filesystem_dev" must be added to the datastore configuration, in order to detect the file system usage.
Version 2018.1.4 released 2018-07-20
Version 2018.1.4 released 2018-07-20
Fix Community Session Manager / SAML: debug logging breaks dom
Symptom: Exception during signature verification: signature validation failed: Apache xmlsec IdResolver could not resolve the Element for id reference:
Cause: during logging the elements (for debugging) were attached to a new dom (marshalling/unmarshalling), which did not contain the reference to the correct dom anymore
Solution: debug logging modified, so marshalling is skipped
Rem removed deprecated parallelism option from datastore configuration
removed deprecated parallelism option from datastore configuration. This is superseeded by the request limiter.
Opt Added authentication for AWS S3 filesystems via IAM role
If the attributes access-key and secret-key are missing, EC2 instance profile credentials will be used.
Opt FulltextSearchComponent / ListProvider support different relations for searchProductRelation
Added option to ListProviders / FulltextSearchComponent of sismodel to support switching the relation from user.description. (default) to another e.g. (
Opt Proxy: support https
Option to support https added.
Version 2018.1.3 released 2018-06-26
Opt Jetty 9.4.11.v20180605
updated jetty to 9.4.11.v20180605
Opt freemarker 2.3.28
updated freemarker to 2.3.28
Version 2018.1.2 released 2018-06-12
New OCSite supporting cookie policies
OC instances now support cookie policies which are enforced on every request operated in this sites context. Policies are defined for a cookie name via a pattern, and check if the value of another cookie matches a given pattern. This can be used to implement multi level functionalities (like remember/attributescookie is not allowed, but session cookie is allowed) If the Cookie is not set, this is interpreted as empty string value.
Opt OCDataStore: options added to delay the registration of the datastore
to increase initial speed of the instances & and add the possiblity to wait for the data store to be ready the registration of the datastore in osgi can now be delayed.
Opt update apache felix to 5.8.10
updated apache felix frame to 5.8.10, configadmin to 1.9.0, metatype to 1.2.0
Opt condensed resources: improved content-type header
added "; charset=utf-8" and switched from application/javascript to text/javascript
Opt bountycastle 1.59
updated bountycastle to version 1.59
Opt Optimize Cache-Control headers
for immutable resources like static resources accessed with the immutable url, and storage items and images with non-persistent urls add the "immutable" tag to the Cache-Control header
Opt Guava 25.0
updated guava to 25.0-jre
Fix Redirect onsite check failed for URL without scheme
Symptom: RedirectUtil's onsite check did not detect an URL starting with double slash (like // as offsite location
Cause: doesn't consider URLs without scheme as absolute
Solution: Check if the hostname of the provided URL matches the current one
Opt Jetty 9.4.10.v20180503
updated jetty to 9.4.10.v20180503
Opt slow queries
reduced loglevel of slow query logs and moved to own logger.
Opt Satellite JVM options improved
Added -XX:+ExitOnOutOfMemoryError to the Satellite's JVM options in the default configuration file, existing installations are not affected autmatically. Shutting down the Satellite should prevent it from running in an undefined state without being noticed.
Option requires at least JDK 8u92 (was released in April 2016)
New extend relation on data source collection
Before that, the fixed relation used "target." to get the article from datasource collection , now user can define relation (like target., user. etc) on widget level
Version 2018.1.1 released 2018-04-20
Opt expose providerid of current session
extended OCSessionManager.OCSession interface to provide a way, to get the AuthProvider used for the current session
Version 2018.1.0 released 2018-04-03
Fix Input stream leak
Symptom: Data store S3 connection pool running out of available connections with ConnectionPoolTimeoutException.
Cause: The input streams created by the data store service were not closed correctly during inlining of invalid XML content.
Solution: Use try with resources statement for all internal streams and add a finalizer which closes and logs a warning for streams that are returned in the API.
Fix Page Number on basket in Media detail page
Page number missing on basket in media detail page because using old feature(portal:issue-number), now added featureFallback to the new feature (censhare:module.oc.portal.first-page)
Fix ProductModel wrong sorting of product items (true)
Symptom: When iterating over the productItems property of the ProductModel, the items don't follow the order as displayed in the client.
Cause: Sorting attribute on product item relation is not used for sorting.
Solution: Sort product items by sorting attribute on product item relation.
Opt SAML: support post binding (true)
support post binding in auth requests (defaults to redirect binding)
New Explicit Reindex & skip rebuild on config changes (true)
added functionality to disable the automatic rebuild on configuration change. (Attribute skip-rebuild-on-feature-config-change="true" on element "features"). Using a Server-Action supplied in 2018.1 indeces (features) can be specificly reindexed without rebuilding the whole CDB.
New Skip rendering of following components if output is already aquired
in order to save cpu time you can skip the rendering of components after the output is already aquired. a new compatibility flag is introduced, and for new installations enabled by default: skip-component-rendering-if-response-is-acquired="true"
Fix RenderContext - performance logging - illegal state
Symptom: Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: This stopwatch is already stopped
Cause: current RenderContext was only used, to create a child RenderContext (e.g. with a different Output), and the logging was on level "debug"for com.censhare.oc.system.component.rendering.impl.RenderContextImpl
Solution: check state of Stopwatch before stopping it.
New Bouncer: Added CORS Headers to support censhare5 preview url requests (true / true)
CORS Headers were added to the Bouncer Page in case the PreviewRequestDelegate would have been responsible for this request, to support the AJAX-Requests from censhare Web
New property for feature censhare:modules.oc.use-master-storage (true)
property added image model, returning a boolean if the master storage item should be used for this image
Bug support XsDateTime of Type DATE (true / true)
Symptom: std-portal birthdate shown wrong depends on customers timezone
Cause: birthday date is localized to customers timezone
Solution: set and retrieve date as timezone independent (base impl in oc)
Task storage item request delegate requires modified data at storage item (true)
Symptom: java.lang.NullPointerException: com.censhare.oc.system.component.impl.StorageItemRequestDelegate
Cause: storage item request delegate required modified date at storage item but modified date is not enforced by asset management
Solution: set last change date header only if such information is present
Bug Regression introduced by "Http Header X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff" (true / true)
Symptom: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/censhare/oc/system/site/impl/OCSiteImpl$SiteCompatibilty
Cause: SiteCompatibility not exported by OSGi bundle
Solution: move SiteCompatibility to package
Chg configure number of trusted x-forwarded-for steps (true / true)
make it possible possible to configure the number of steps in X-Forwarded-For header to the left is allowed. Defaults to Integer.MAX_VALUE, template for new configurations is set to 1. Change was necessary as some Loadbalancers / Proxies do not replace the Header but append to it, and so the wrong ip could be used or injected from the outside. Please update your configuration accordingly.
Opt disable automatic index creation (true / true)
It is now possible to invert the current behavior to automatically add a index per each defined feature. This is useful if you have a lot of features which are not queried in the CDB. They can still be accessed via the asset xml.
Opt Extended com.censhare.oc.system MANIFEST / API (true)
OSGi bundle com.censhare.oc.system now exports package freemarker.cache. Package freemarker.cache is also added to the api jar library.
Bug Condensed resources: refresh not triggered (true)
Symptom: condensed resource not recalculated, even if asset is touched
Cause: if a condensend resource used sub imports like with less.js @import asset dependencies were not correctly tracked, if this resource was already in the lookup cache.
Solution: always add asset depencies
Opt CommunitySessionManager: http-only for session attributes cookie (true)
Added configuration option to set http-only flag for session attributes cookie. if not explicitly set defaults to false. Config templates are updated with the new option.
Chg truncating IP addresses during logging (true)
to comply with eu legislation the logged ip's are now truncated to 24 bits (IPv4) and 40 bits (IPv6), thous these should ne be considered personal information anymore. This behavior is the now default, and will change the log output of existing installations. It can be reverted in the webserver configuration.
Opt SAML-Authentication (true)
Added support for name-id-format "unspecified"
Fix Ignore CDB duplicate key errors on delete for OC (true / true)
Symptom: OC CDB update fails with java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: unabled to remove
Cause: Key handling in CDBTree treated duplicate key removal as an error.
Solution: Ignore duplicate removes.
Opt Http Header X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff (true)
Added Support to add "X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff" to each response. Compatibility switch to enable behavior: enable-no-sniff-header="true". (disabled by default).
Fix condensed resources not compiling on windows satellites (true)
Opt OC: SDK/API includes statistics service
OC: added statistics service to OC-SDK jar
New Multiple content fulltext indices with filtering and scaling
New fulltext parameter: scale (used to multiply all relevances). Multiple indices can be marked as content (isContentFulltext="true"), default index is now marked by separate attribute. Content fulltext index can have filtering xpath specified, in which case it will contain only subset of XML file (typically: titles, labels, etc) and no content from other ones. These indexes can be then combined in single virtual fulltext index; when the filtered ones have higher scale, it effectively serves as boost, this effectively implements search boost for specific parts of structured document.
The content/default split is backwards compatible: if there is no fulltext index marked as default, one content fulltext is automatically chosen as default.