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Sending mails


Target groups

  • Administrator (Web)
  • Developer (Java)


The OnlineChannel can be configured to use the mailing capabilities of the censhare server. This is needed if activation mails should be send on new customer registrations.

To enable sending mails from OC

  • the censhare server must be configured to allow the OnlineChannel to invoke server-commands.
  • the OnlineChannel must be configured to provide and map the user-accounts available to the accounts registered on the server.

The Online Portal bundle contains mail templates for account messages (activation, forgot password, ...). These templates can be individualized. Mails can be send as html, text or both.


  • Administrator rights
  • censhare-Client (java)
  • censhare-AdminClient (java)

Configure censhare server

Use 'censhare Admin-Client' (java) and ensure the 'Configuration/Services/Online-Channel Command Service' is active.

Configure satellite configuration

Open the Command Service Configuration and edit or ensure the mail configuration:

<command name="oc.send-mail" timeout="60">
    <users defaultuser="system">
        <user name="system"></user>

Send custom mail from custom java component

In case a custom mail implementation must be done, this code snippet may be of value

ServiceKey serviceKey = new ServiceKey(CommandService.class.getName()); 
CommandService commandService = (CommandService) getContext().getSite().getOsgiBridge().getService(serviceKey); 
try { 
  Command command = commandService.createCommand("oc.send-mail"); 
  try { 
    AXml mergeXml = AXml.createElement("data"); 
    mergeXml.put("mails@account-name", accountName.get()); // name of mail account configuration as configured in admin client 
    AXml mailXml = mergeXml.create("mails.mail"); 
    mailXml.put("content@mimetype", "text/plain; charset=utf-8"); 
    mailXml.setAttr("subject", "My mail for foo"); 
    mailXml.put("recipient@address", ""); 
    mailXml.put("content", "This is our message to you.");
    command.mergeSlot("", mergeXml); 
  finally { 

  finally { 
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