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Updating bundles or configurations


Target Group

  • Administrator (Web)


Online Channel satellites utilize bundles and configurations to operate. The process described allows to update any of these with short service interruptions of a satellite and --if at least two instances contribute to this service-- no service interruption for a service.


  1. Java Client connected to server
  2. new bundle jar(s) and satellite installer | configuration changes
  3. Access to loadbalancer (if productive website)

We asume a setup with at least two satellites behind a loadbalancer. This setup allows updates and changes without service interruption.

Tip: This process allows to update or configure satellites without service interruptions.

Satellites use resources connected to same configuration group.
The general idea is to duplicate the group,
add new or duplicate resources before change and relate them only to the new group,
drop relation of outdated resources to new group
and -- to activate the changes -- move relation of satellite assets to the new group.

Detailed instructions:

Prepare new environment

  1. Find the satellite configuration group asset with satellites
  2. Duplicate the satellite configuration group asset
    • we advise to rename containing the current date
  3. Delete the relation between any satellite asset and the new created group
  4. Delete the relation between the bundle/configuration to update and the new created group
  5. if updating a configuration:
    1. duplicate existing configuration
    2. edit the duplicated new created asset
    3. relate the edited new configuration to the newly created group ('move')
  6. Import and relate new bundles to the newly created group

Move satellites to new environment

  1. Use loadbalancer to deactivate access to one satellite instance
  2. If updating bundles with new OC version
    1. copy satellite installer to deactivated satellite's host
      make executeable - say:
      chmod +x
    2. cd into satellite directory on satellite host
    3. stop satellite
      bin/ stop
    4. execute satellite installer - say:
      then asked for install dir provide .
  3. Move deactivated satellite instance to new created group
  4. if satellite was stopped, start satellite
    bin/ start
  5. Test changes by accessing satellite directly bypassing loadbalancer
  6. Activate satellite in loadbalancer

Move one satellite after the other until all satellites are updated and moved to new group.


To distinguish new from old assets

  • updated bundles should have a version part inside their name
  • then duplicating configuration-groups name them with a 'yyyy-mm-dd' date extension; easy sorting ...
  • then duplicating configuration files name them with date extension or a keyword, ticketnumber, ...


  • If resources or structural changes affect satellite operations (say: changing sitemap, updating resources, ...) you should disable the satellites synchronization in DataStoreConfiguration:
    • change value for enabled in <update enabled="true" limit=... ignore-live-tags=.../> to false
      • customer service should now be 'frozen' but operative.
    • duplicate group and DataStoreConfiguration as described above, deactivate one satellite and move to new group
    • enable synchronization in new DataStoreConfiguration
      • satellite in new group reflects changes but is not public reachable
    • apply changes and test them on a satellite in new group
    • continue moving satellites to new environment
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