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Insights application

Learn how to set up and use the Insights application: a powerful monitoring tool for censhare partners.

The Insights application can only be used by the censhare partners. However, we want to make sure that our end customers are aware of its existing and what kind of data the Insights application gathers. 

Data collected by the Insights application

We would like to emphasize the following about the data that is collected, processed, and stored by the Insights application.

  1. No personal user data is ever collected.
  2. The data collected about the censhare product usage is limited to the information about traffic and the number of users.
  3. The data collection is strictly GDPR-compliant.
  4. For censhare customers. Your account manager will reach out to you and get your consent before any of the data is collected. 
  5. Censhare partners that have access to metrics do not have to view them all and can even opt out of using the Insights. It can be deactivated by simply removing the configuration for its components in the censhare Admin Client (as described here). 

Purpose of the monitoring

Indeed, the collected information can be used in very different ways. We would like to point you to the following main advantages.

System performance

The metrics collected by the Insights application help you to monitor the censhare system performance. The Insights application allows you to recognize what causes the highest load on your system and where an intervention may be necessary. For example, if you see too many running workflows in the system, you may want to check which are those and whether all of them are still necessary. You also have an opportunity to evaluate if your system needs an upgrade, e.g., additional CPUs to sustain a satisfiable performance. 

This is useful for preventing system overload and downtimes.

User licenses

The Insights application can help you in monitoring the proper usage of the censhare licenses. Although the application does not have access to the license data, it collects unique logins for any point in time as hashes. It means that you can compare the number of logged-in users with the number of user licenses to see if they match. 

In the following sections, you can get a better overview of the application architecture, configuration, and how to work with it as an admin and a user. 

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