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Get started

Learn about the user interface, basic tasks, tools, and key concepts in censhare.

Your first user journey

  1. Log in
  2. Your workspace
  3. Edit user profile
  4. Work with tasks
  5. Upload files
  6. Quick search
  7. Edit assets
  8. Download files

Understand key concepts

Understanding key concepts empowers you to be successful with censhare from the start:

  • What are assets?
  • What are asset relations?
  • What you can see and do in censhare - basics on your domains and permissions

Key concepts explained.

Understand your tools

  • A great graphical user experience for most of the common tasks - censhare Web
  • Your tool of choice to work with Adobe integrations - censhare Client
  • Required support tools for Adobe integrations and certain image services- censhare InDesign Server, censhare Render Client, and Service Client

Choose your tools

Use censhare Web for your daily tasks. Whenever censhare Client is an option, we have provided and indicated the necessary documentation.

More information on tools.

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