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censhare Product Documentation

Learn how to use, administrate and customize the censhare universal content management platform.


Release notes

Use the release notes to keep up with our latest releases.

Compatibility matrices

Compatibility matrix for Adobe InDesign plugins, censhare Client versions, operating and virtual file systems.


What's new in censhare

Find new and updated documentation for censhare releases. Check the censhare system requirements and compatibility guides for censhare Web and the Adobe plugin. Learn about current issues and improvements.


Initial setup and core administration of censhare. Manage advanced functionalities and applications.

Developer Guide

For developers, solution developers and partners. Find API references, code samples, and guidelines to develop custom modules and solutions (Login required).

User Guide

The censhare Universal Content Management Platform centralizes and automates your content so you can market on any channel and in any language. Spend less time on content admin and more on what really matters: creating engaging content and unique customer experiences.


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