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Manage asset properties - censhare Web - SysAdmin

Properties store details about an asset that identify and help you to manage it. General details of the asset are stored as properties. For example, the name, type, change dates, or the domains to which the asset belongs. Other information that is stored depends on the specific type of asset. For example, the properties of an image asset provide details on the resolution, format, and color space of the image.

As administrator or solutions developer, you have multiple options to present properties in widgets and dialogs and customize how and where users can edit properties.

Properties editor

The Properties editor allows users to edit the properties of all assets from a search result inline in a table. Several Properties editor configurations can be added to your system.

Property widgets

Using a metadata widget, you can display a variety of asset details on an asset page. The details shown depend on the widget template you choose.

A template defines which details the widget shows and which details users can edit. The template Properties widget, for example, shows the basic data of an asset such as the name, type or the ID.

Inline editing

Asset properties that are displayed in a Properties widget, can be edited directly in the widget, without starting the classic "Edit" dialog.

Multi-editing in a wizard

Editing properties of several assets at the same time is implemented as a three-step wizard in censhare Web. To use this option, you must configure the wizard.

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