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Open, download & place assets

The CI HUB panel integrates assets directly into your workflows in Adobe CC applications and Microsoft Office. You can download assets, edit assets, or place assets in your projects.

Important note on embedded metadata

The CI HUB integrations have some limitations regarding asset metadata display and synchronization of metadata. If your production process relies on the embedded metadata (for example: IPTC tags), read the Asset metadata limitations section at the end of this article.

Download & place assets

To use an asset in an Adobe CC application, do the following:

  1. In the Result section of the CI HUB panel, select the desired asset.
  2. In the Details section, click
  3. In the dialog, select the desired options:

    OriginalThe original file that was uploaded when the asset was created (master file). This option is pre-selected.
    ThumbnailA small icon-size version of the original image.
    PreviewA smaller sized preview of the original image.
    Additional options

    Downloads the asset to your computer and adds it to your current project.

    Place and link

    Downloads the asset to your computer and creates a reference in the current project.

    Place and embed

    Downloads the asset to your computer and embeds it in the current project (Photoshop, InDesign, Premiere, InCopy).


    Select an object in your project file to replace it with the selected asset.

    Replace all

    Select an object in your project file to replace all identical objects in the project with the selected asset.

    Open in ...

    Opens the asset in the Adobe CC application.

    Save local

    Downloads the asset to your computer.

    With place options

    If you choose Place and link, you can select this option for additional import options (color profiles, channels and rendering) for the imported object.

  4. Click OK to proceed.

Open assets in censhare Web

In censhare Web, you can see additional data that are not shown in the CIHUB panel such as:

  • Media file metadata (Exif tags, IPTC tags, XMP tags)
  • Workflow status and target
  • Usage rights
  • Output channels
  • Related assets of asset structures (product items, product families)  

To open an asset in censhare Web, proceed as follows:

  1. In the Result section of the CI HUB panel, select the desired asset.
  2. In the Details section, click
  3. If you do not have an active session, enter your censhare Web credentials.
  4. The asset opens in a new asset page.

Asset metadata synchronization

Media files such as images, videos, PDFs and media production files such as Adobe InDesign layouts can contain embedded metadata that are important for usage and production. For example, the standardized IPTC tags contain image caption, author name, copyright notice, etc.

There is a limitation that prevents these metadata are displayed in the CI HUB panel. To view and edit asset metadata, open the asset in censhare Web. 

Synchronization of asset metadata & embedded metadata

When you download or place an asset in the CI HUB panel, the embedded metadata is not synchronized with the asset metadata by default. The synchronization needs to be customized and integrated into your asset lifecycle management in censhare. If you are not sure about the metadata synchronization via CI HUB, ask an administrator of your censhare system! See also the asset metadata synchronization section in Update & create assets.

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