Set up quality gates for products
Predefined quality gates and completeness checks you can build quality gate sequences for your products, media and content assets.
You must install censhare dedicated solutions to use the predefined quality gates and completeness checks.
censhare dedicated solutions come with predefined quality gate sequences that are designed for the censhare digital asset management (DAM), content management (CMS) and product information management (PIM). The predefined quality gate sequences work out of the box with the standard data model, and can easily be customized to meet your requirements.
Quality gate sequences
The following quality gate sequences are installed with the censhare dedicated solutions:
Quality gate sequence | Quality gates | Description |
Content | Default asset types are article and text. Checks if a main content exists, if a picture exists, and if a translation of the content exists. | |
Document | Default asset types are document, presetation and spreadsheet. No default quality gates defined. | |
Marketing plan | Default asset type is marketing plan. Checks if team roles are assigned. | |
Media | Default asset types are 3D model, audio, picture, video. Checks if a master file exists and if the file was analyzed with Google AI. | |
Product | Default asset types are product and all subtypes. Checks if a product price and EAN exist, if the product text and picture exist, and if texts are localized. | |
Product category | Default asset type is product category. Checks if team roles are assigned. | |
Project | Default asset types are project, campaign and tactic. Checks if team roles are assigned, if key parameters, budget and targets are defined and approved. | |
Social post | Default asset types are Facebook post, Instagram post, Twitter post, WhatsApp post and YouTube post. Checks if images and other media are assigned, a publication date, channel and author is set. |
(1) If necessary, add or remove quality gates.
(2) You can add other asset types to a quality gate sequence. Make sure that the completeness checks that are assigned to the quality gates use the same asset type filters. For more information, see Quality gate sequences.
Quality gates
The predefined quality gate sequences use a mix of generic and asset type specific quality gates. If necessary, create additional quality gates or asset type specific quality gates from generic ones. For more information, see Quality gates.
Completeness checks
The completeness checks that are assigned to the quality gates of predefined quality gate sequences work out of the box with the censhare standard data model. However, some completeness checks may require customization.
For example, the Check main content child localized completeness check works with English and German as default values:
count(child_asset_rel[@key='user.main-content.']) ge 2 and (for $x in child_asset_rel[@key='user.main-content.'] return cs:get-asset($x/@child_asset)/@language) = ('de', 'en')
To change the required languages, or add further languages, change the expression accordingly. For example, define English, French, and Italian as required localizations:
count(child_asset_rel[@key='user.main-content.']) ge 3 and (for $x in child_asset_rel[@key='user.main-content.'] return cs:get-asset($x/@child_asset)/@language) = ('en', 'fr', 'it' )
Set importance
When you install censhare dedicated solutions, the default completeness checks are imported with an Importance = required or Importance = optional. Some completeness checks have no default importance value.
To change the value, edit the Completeness check properties. Completeness checks that were imported without a default importance value, require that you select one.
The quality gate sequences are applied to the media, products, content, projects and social posts. The quality gates are achieved according to your processes, workflows and guidelines.