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Side navigation in the standard workspace

The standard workspace structure also configures the left navigation bar. In particular, it determines the look of the personal "My pages" area with links to static pages, asset search pages and groups.


The side navigation is part of the standard workspace structure but it is independent of the rest of the structure with pages, tabs and widgets. The side navigation contains three areas: My pages, Open and History.

The "Open" area is managed directly in censhare and is not part of the standard workspace structure. The "History" area lists the most recently opened pages for that user. Here the standard structure only defines that this is part of the side navigation. The "My pages" area contains a series of links to static pages, asset and search pages, and groups.

Side navigation with the areas "My pages" (1), "Open" (2) and "History" (3) and the associated portion of the structure in the standard workspace structure.

 Designator graphic

Asset type


Standard workspace asset


Starting point for the standard workspace structure

Left navigation

Left workspace navigation


Navigation group

Left workspace navigation group

Contains a navigation area in the side navigation

Navigation item

Left-side workspace navigation item

Link to a group, a static page, a search page or an asset page

Like the definition of pages in the standard workspace structure, the left workspace navigation is attached directly below the standard workspace asset. The areas "My pages" and "History" are each represented by an asset of the type "Left workspace navigation group" in the structure. For the link to the "My pages" area there is an asset of the type "Left workspace navigation item".

The XML definitions for assets in the side navigation are on the censhare server in the directory:


The entries for "My pages" can be changed. For more information see the article "Change links in the side navigation".

Left workspace navigation (asset type)

The asset type "Module/Workspace/Left workspace navigation" has all of the asset types for the side navigation. There are no assets of that type itself in the standard workspace structure.

Left workspace navigation group (asset type)

Both assets for a navigation area have the type "Module/Workspace/Left workspace navigation/Left workspace navigation group".

The "My pages" asset contains the entries for links to the pages or searches in censhare.The internal feature "Navigation group type" thus has the value "my-pages".

For every link there is a "Workspace navigation group" feature in the navigation group asset that contains the resource key for the "Left workspace navigation item" asset with the link.

For every link, the feature "Locks for widgets" defines whether the user can remove this link. If the check mark for the link is not activated, then the user can remove it. The link will be restored, however, if the user resets the workspace.

The "History" asset contains the entries for a user's activity. The internal feature "Navigation group type" thus has the value "history".

Left-side workspace navigation item (asset type)

Assets for links in the side navigation have the type "Module/Workspace/Left workspace navigation/Left workspace navigation item". There are two types of items: links and groups.  

Links have the value "item" entered for the internal feature "Navigation item type". The "Navigation URL" feature contains the relative path for the static page or for asset or search pages in censhare.

For example, the search page with the most recently edited asset has the entry "/lastedited". For asset pages, first the URL for the asset type comes and then the asset ID, for example for videos "/assetVideo/36400".

The relative path is always located in the URL of a page. The path consists of the censhare Web URL and the relative path. For example: "" from the censhare Web URL "" and the relative path "lastEdited".

Groups have the value "menu" entered for the internal feature "Navigation item type".

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