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The My work page

The My work page shows a table of assets that are assigned to you and need your action. The table is sorted chronologically and can be filtered. In additional tabs, the page shows groups and downloaded asset files.

Your first user journey

Follow your first basic user journey:

  1. Log in to censhare Web.

  2. Get to know the dashboard - the steering control of your daily work.

  3. Manage your personal profile and settings.

  4. Check your work and tasks.
  5. Upload files and create assets.

  6. Search and find assets quickly.

  7. Edit and collaborate on assets.

  8. Download files and share them with others.


The My work page is your entry page to view and access tasks and other assets that are assigned to you. You can work on these assets or mark them as resolved. You can also view and access asset files that you downloaded to your computer, for example, to edit them in an external editor

censhare allows to assign assets directly to a user, or to create tasks and assign these to a user:

  • If you assign an asset directly to a user, the asset displays on their My work page.
  • If you also add a workflow, the progress shows according to the mapping of the workflow states.

Tasks provide enhanced planning and tracking features. Tasks are assets themselves. If you work with tasks, you can assign a user and add related content (any asset type) to a task. As with any other asset, you can add a workflow and a user. You can order tasks by defining predecessor and successor tasks. Multiple tasks can be part of a single project that is planned in the Project editor.

Tasks tab

The table on the Tasks tab shows assets and tasks that are assigned to you personally, or to a group of which you are a member. The table is sorted chronologically: At the top, overdue assets and tasks display. Next, assets and tasks with an upcoming deadline display. At the bottom, assets and tasks without a deadline display.

Each table row shows an asset or task. The table columns show the following details:

Related content

Predecessor tasks



Assigned to

Working time

Only for tasks: Shows assets that are assigned to a task

Only for tasks: Shows tasks if the current task is planned in a project

Shows a progress bar of the completion.

Shows the manual deadline for tasks and assets

Can be you, or a group of which you are a member

Only for tasks: Shows the planned time to work on a task.

You can filter the assets and tasks that display:

  • Filter by type: Select to display only tasks and their related assets, or other assets that are assigned to you or to your groups.

  • Filter by assigned user/group: Select to display only assets that are assigned to you personally or assets that are assigned to a user group to which you belong.

  • Filter by status: This filter only works with tasks with dependencies (successor and predecessor tasks). Select Current to display only parent tasks without their successor tasks. Select Upcoming to display only the child tasks (successor tasks) of current tasks.

  • Filter by completion state: Select whether to display only assets that are not yet completed or assets that are completed.

Work with tasks

In the Tasks table, you can carry out the following actions:

  • Create a new task: Click (plus) in the top right corner of the table header and enter a name (required). In the dialog, you can also plan times, durations, dates, and assign the task to a user or user group. If you assign the task to another user, or to a user group to which you do not belong, the task does not appear in the Tasks table.

    Note: You can only create tasks with this action, no other asset types.

  • Resolve a task: Move the cursor over the task and click

    . This sets the completion progress bar to 100 percent.

  • Note: This action is only available for tasks, not for other asset types that are assigned to you.

  • Assign to yourself: If a task or an asset is assigned to a group to which you belong, you can assign it to yourself by clicking

     in the Assigned to column.

  • Approve or reject a task: Move the cursor over the task and click

     to approve, or
     to reject the task.

    Note: These actions are only available for Approval tasks.

  • Open an asset in an asset page: Move the cursor over the asset and click

    , or double-click the name. The asset opens in a new asset page.

Groups tab

The Groups tab shows all Group assets in your domain. Group assets are generic containers that can be used to organize and structure your assets. Click to expand a group and display the assigned assets.

The table columns display the following details:


Workflow step




Shows the manual deadline of a group or an assigned asset.

Shows the current workflow step of a group or an assigned asset.

Shows the workflow of a group or an assigned asset.

Shows the language that is defined in a group or in an assigned asset.

Shows the domain in which a group or an assigned asset is stored.

You can filter the table with the Created by field to display only groups that you created, or search for a group by entering a name in the Filter results field.

Downloads tab

The Downloads tab shows a chronological list of asset files that you downloaded. To search for an asset, enter a name in the Filter results field. 


You know how to access your tasks and assets that require your action.

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