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Upload files

Drag & drop files onto the censhare Web browser. Assets are created from these files automatically.

Your first user journey

Follow your first basic user journey:

  1. Log in to censhare Web.

  2. Get to know the dashboard - the steering control of your daily work.

  3. Manage your personal profile and settings.

  4. Check your work and tasks.
  5. Upload files and create assets.

  6. Search and find assets quickly.

  7. Edit and collaborate on assets.

  8. Download files and share them with others.


When you upload a file to censhare, a new asset is created from this file. censhare stores the file as Master file in the asset.

The asset type is created according to the MIME type mappings that are configured in your system. The default mappings comprise image formats (PNG, JPG, TIFF, etc.), office documents (MS Word, MS Excel, MS Powerpoint), and many other formats. If a MIME type mapping exists for the file that you upload, censhare automatically selects the corresponding asset type.

Try it

  1. In the Create asset dialog, or the Asset chooser, select Asset from file.

  2. Drag a file from you your computer to the drop zone, or click in the drop zone and select a file from the file browser. If you upload multiple files, censhare creates multiple assets.

When the upload is finished, the Last created page opens. The newly created asset displays at the top of the list.

Drag & drop

You can simply and conveniently drag and drop files from your computer to censhare Web. censhare automatically creates an assets from the file with the appropriate asset type and stores the asset in censhare. For example, add images, spreadsheets, or PDFs in this way.

The Top navigation is a drop zone to drag and drop your files onto. Other drop zones are available in the Asset chooser, in Relation widgets, and in the Upload & edit wizard.

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