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What's new in censhare 2021

New features and functionality, release notes, changes and new and updated documentation for censhare releases 2021.x.


censhare 2021.2.5

Release date: September 01, 2022 

Release summary

This is a revision release.

This patch addresses quality issues and findings that we encountered in the previous versions of censhare WP. We always strongly recommend to thoroughly test any new release first on your test and development environments before moving to a production environment. We are continuously working on improving our product and will continuously release additional patch releases with potential additional enhancements and fixes.

Release Notes

For a full list of resolved issues, see the censhare Release Notes.


Changed behavior in building and deploying customized frontend code for censhare Web 

Known issues

Known conceptual and functional issues. The list is not intended and does not serve as a binding and complete bug and missing features list.

A list will be available soon.

censhare 2021.2.4

Release date: April 14, 2022 

Release summary

This is a revision release.

This patch addresses quality issues and findings that we encountered in the previous versions of censhare WP. We always strongly recommend to thoroughly test any new release first on your test and development environments before moving to a production environment. We are continuously working on improving our product and will continuously release additional patch releases with potential additional enhancements and fixes.

Release Notes

For a full list of resolved issues, see the censhare Release Notes.


Changed behavior in building and deploying customized frontend code for censhare Web 

Known issues

Known conceptual and functional issues. The list is not intended and does not serve as a binding and complete bug and missing features list.

Known issues 2021.2

What's new in documentation 2021.2.4

If you would like to share your feedback on the documentation or find any inconsistencies, please create a support ticket.

censhare 2021.2.3

Release date: March 22, 2022 

Release summary

This is a revision release.

It delivers fault revisions (bug fixes) and minor improvements to the licensed software and the documentation.

Release Notes

For a full list of resolved issues, see the censhare Release Notes.


No changes.

Known issues

Known conceptual and functional issues. The list is not intended and does not serve as a binding and complete bug and missing features list.

Known issues 2021.2.3

What's new in documentation 2021.2.3

censhare 2021.2.2

Release date: March 04, 2022 

Release summary

This is a revision release.

It delivers fault revisions (bug fixes) and minor improvements to the licensed software and the documentation.

Release Notes

For a full list of resolved issues, see the censhare Release Notes.


No changes.

Known issues

Known conceptual and functional issues. The list is not intended and does not serve as a binding and complete bug and missing features list.

Known issues 2021.2.2

What's new in documentation 2021.2.2

  • censhare WP - Initial configuration

    Initial configuration of censhare WP, including Webpack and the required Keycloak settings.

  • Authorization mapper

    Learn how to add censhare user roles and domains and how they are synchronized between the censhare Server and Keycloak.

  • Install the Adobe plugin

    The XMLCommand plugin for Adobe creates a close integration between Adobe InDesign and the Java-based censhare Client. This integration allows you to edit Adobe InDesign documents directly in censhare. A guide through the installation of the XMLCommand plugin.

  • System requirements 2021

    Read this information carefully before you install or upgrade censhare. If you have any doubts about the compatibility of your environment, please contact our Service desk.

  • censhare server, database and tools requirements

    Hardware and software requirements for censhare Server, the database and censhare tools for censhare 2021.x versions.

  • Communicate on assets

    Start or continue a discussion about any asset by publishing your own messages in censhare Web. Assign topics, assets, or mark a preview to further specify your comments.

  • About the Adobe plugin

    Find relevant enhancements and functionality of the censhare Adobe plugin.

censhare 2021.2.1

Release date: February, 2022 

Release summary

This is a revision release.

It delivers fault revisions (bug fixes) and minor improvements to the licensed software and the documentation.

For a full list of resolved issues, see the censhare Release Notes.


AngularJS was replaced by AngularJS XLTS.

For more changes, see (2021.2) Third-party libraries.

Known issues

Known conceptual and functional issues. The list is not intended and does not serve as a binding and complete bug and missing features list.

Known issues censhare 2021.2.1

What's new in documentation 2021.2.1

  • censhare WP - Initial configuration

    Initial configuration of censhare WP, including Webpack and the required Keycloak settings.

  • Change password (censhare Client)

    Learn how to change your censhare user password.

  • Upgrade Keycloak

    Learn about the steps to upgrade Keycloak to a later version.

  • macOS Big Sur & Apple ARM architecture support

    With the introduction of macOS 11 (Big Sur) and the transition from an Intel architecture to the Apple ARM architecture, there are important changes regarding the censhare Client, Virtual file system (VFS) and the Adobe plugin (XML command plugin).

  • What's new in censhare 2021

    New features and functionality, release notes, changes and new and updated documentation for censhare releases 2021.x.

  • Setup in censhare

    The CI HUB integration is part of all censhare web-packed installations. This article explains necessary steps to set up the integration.

  • Add new users to Keycloak

    Keycloak user authentication requires users to have an account in Keycloak or to be linked to it, for example via LDAP. Learn how to create an account directly in Keycloak.

  • Change your password

    Learn how to change your censhare user password.

  • censhare WP - RPM-based installation

    censhare WP uses Webpack technology and requires Keycloak for identity management. Follow this tutorial to set up censhare WP.

  • Enable password change

    Learn how to enable password change for censhare Web and censhare Client via Keycloak.

  • Configure Keycloak for external authentication

    censhare requires external authentication using Keycloak as identity broker. Keycloak runs as a service on the host. Learn how to configure Keycloak to use it with censhare.

  • About the Adobe plugin

    Find relevant enhancements and functionality of the censhare Adobe plugin.

censhare 2021.2.0

Release date: November, 2021 

Release summary

This is a feature release.

It delivers performance improvements, architectural changes and new features and functionalities.

censhare Release Summary 2021.2

Release notes

Release webinar (internal only)

Release Notes

HCMS release notes

Developer release notes

Requirements & compatibility

system requirements 2021

(2021.2) Third-party libraries

Changes and deprecations

Changed and deprecated features for all censhare releases

Known issues

Known issues censhare 2021.2.1

What's new in documentation 2021.2

censhare WP

If you want to install a new censhare system or update your system to censhare 2021.2 or above, it is mandatory to install or update to censhare WP and Keycloak.

  • censhare WP - Initial configuration

    Initial configuration of censhare WP, including Webpack and the required Keycloak settings.

  • Change password (censhare Client)

    Learn how to change your censhare user password.

  • Upgrade Keycloak

    Learn about the steps to upgrade Keycloak to a later version.

  • macOS Big Sur & Apple ARM architecture support

    With the introduction of macOS 11 (Big Sur) and the transition from an Intel architecture to the Apple ARM architecture, there are important changes regarding the censhare Client, Virtual file system (VFS) and the Adobe plugin (XML command plugin).

  • What's new in censhare 2021

    New features and functionality, release notes, changes and new and updated documentation for censhare releases 2021.x.

  • Setup in censhare

    The CI HUB integration is part of all censhare web-packed installations. This article explains necessary steps to set up the integration.

  • Add new users to Keycloak

    Keycloak user authentication requires users to have an account in Keycloak or to be linked to it, for example via LDAP. Learn how to create an account directly in Keycloak.

  • Change your password

    Learn how to change your censhare user password.

  • censhare WP - RPM-based installation

    censhare WP uses Webpack technology and requires Keycloak for identity management. Follow this tutorial to set up censhare WP.

  • Enable password change

    Learn how to enable password change for censhare Web and censhare Client via Keycloak.

  • Configure Keycloak for external authentication

    censhare requires external authentication using Keycloak as identity broker. Keycloak runs as a service on the host. Learn how to configure Keycloak to use it with censhare.

  • About the Adobe plugin

    Find relevant enhancements and functionality of the censhare Adobe plugin.

censhare 2021.1

Release date: July, 2021 

Release summary

Release Summary 2021.1

Release notes

Release Notes

HCMS release notes

Developer release notes

Known issues

censhare known conceptual and functional issues 2021.1

Changes and deprecations

Changed and deprecated features for all censhare releases

Also note the following important changes:

Support of macOS 11 (Big Sur) & Apple ARM (Silicon) platform

With the introduction of macOS 11 (Big Sur) and the transition from an Intel architecture to the Apple ARM architecture, there are important changes regarding the censhare Client, Virtual file system (VFS) and the Adobe plugin (XML command plugin).

VFS 2.0 on macOS compatibility

New clients, which ship with VFS 2.0, will no longer be compatible with macOS computers that have VFS 1.1.5 (KEXT) installed. 

For more information, see our VFS compatibility guidelines!

What's new in documentation 2021.1

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