Work with assets
Explore the basics of how to work with assets in censhare Web. Learn how to create, manage, and relate assets on your system efficiently.
In censhare, all information is saved and managed in assets. censhare uses different types of assets to store each type of information. For example, images are stored in image assets, layouts are stored in Layout assets. The information in the asset can include asset metadata and asset content.
Asset metadata provides details such as the name of the asset, the asset type, change dates, or the domains to which the asset belongs. In censhare Web, the asset meta data is referred to as the asset properties. Asset details can include further information such as workflow states or the author of the asset. censhare also stores metadata that is specific to the type of asset. For example, the resolution or size of an image. Additionally, asset details contain information about how the selected asset is related to other assets in your censhare system. The relation type tells you how an asset is associated with another asset. For example, a Person asset with an Author relationship to an Article asset.
If an asset contains content, the files that contain the content are linked to the asset. For example, the asset can contain a layout, image, or text file. An asset can have only one master file. Additional asset files are automatically generated from this master file. For example,the master file of an Image asset can generate several different formats. You can replace, change, or delete the master file. When you create, change, or delete the master file, censhare creates or deletes the generated files automatically.
Workspace with open Asset page: Top navigation (1). Side navigation (2). Asset icon, title, and type (3). Tabs (4). Page actions (5). Widgets (6).
Access your assets
In censhare Web, the Top navigation, Side navigation, and Pinboard area provide continual access to several frequently-used actions, dialogs, and functions. These features and functions are always available. You can access these options from both asset pages and asset lists. For more information, see censhare user interface.
Search assets
There are several ways to browse and search assets in censhare. For example, you can search for an asset by its unique ID or resource key. For more information, see Search in censhare Web.
Asset lists
When you search for assets in censhare Web, the search returns a list of assets. Different views are available for asset lists. For example, List view, Table view, or Relation view. You can filter an asset list by different categories such as type or keyword. In the Side navigation, items such as Last created, and Favorites also show results in asset lists. For more information, see Asset lists.
Asset pages
When you double-click an entry in an asset list or select Open from the asset actions, an asset page opens. The asset page shows you all details and content that is associated with the asset. The information on the asset page is organized on tabs and widgets. Based on the asset type, the information and actions that are available vary. For more information, see Tabs, Widgets, and Asset actions.
Create assets
When you add content or a piece of information to censhare, you add an asset to your system. There are several ways to create new assets. When you create a new asset, censhare checks for duplicates. If desired, you can duplicate an asset with its entire asset structure. For more information, see Creating assets.
Edit assets
In censhare, you can edit the properties or the content of an asset. To edit the properties of an asset, use the widgets of an asset page or the Edit properties action in the Actions menu. When you start to edit, censhare locks the asset so that other users cannot edit it at the same time. While the asset is locked, other users can view the details of the asset in read-only mode. Once you save your changes, the asset is unlocked and the changes that you entered are visible to other users. For more information, see Editing assets.
Relate assets
The relationship between two assets represents additional information which is stored in both assets. For example, an image that is placed in a layout is related to the layout with a Placement relation. The same image can be connected to a Person asset through an Author relation. Assets and asset relations form meaningful structures in censhare. For example,all of the images and text that are placed in a layout and used in a particular issue of a publication. There are numerous ways to create and manage asset relations. For more information, see Asset relationships.
Delete assets
There are two ways to delete assets. You can delete an asset from the system directly or move the asset to the trash. Assets that are deleted immediately cannot be recovered. Assets that are moved to the trash can be recovered for a defined period of time. Based on your system configuration, the length of time that assets remain in the trash varies. It is possible to open, view, and recover the content of asset pages that are placed in the trash. For more information, see Deleting assets.
You can locate and manage assets on your censhare system.
Next steps
Browse, add, and edit assets on your censhare system.