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Access common actions - top navigation

Continuous access to frequently-used actions, dialogs, and functions from the top navigation.


In censhare Web, the Top navigation provides continuous access to several frequently-used actions, dialogs, and functions. The elements of the Top navigation remain consistent and are visible on all pages.

Top navigation elements: Show/hide Side navigation (1). Back (2) and forward (3) functions. Create asset dialog (4). Actions menu (5). Advanced search options (6).  Quick search (7). User menu (8).

Show or hide the Side navigation

To gain more workspace in the main window, click "Show/hide side navigation". The icon changes state to show the current status of the Side navigation.



Hides Side navigation.

Shows Side navigation.

Move between previously viewed pages

Use the "Forward" and "Back" arrows to move between the pages that you view in censhare Web. These arrows are similar to the forward and back function in your web browser.



Opens the next page.

Opens the previous page.

Create assets

To create a new asset, click "Create asset" in the Top navigation. The Create asset dialog opens:

  • New asset:
    Select this option to create an empty asset. On the "New asset" tab, you can select the type of asset, define metadata, and enter workflow information. Once the asset is created, you can add content and edit information at any time. For more information, see  New assets .

  • Asset from a template:
    Use this option to create an asset from a predefined template. The "Asset from template" tab lists all available templates and provides several ways to search and view the templates. In censhare, you can configure templates for single assets and for asset structures. To create an asset from a template, select a template and edit the template information as desired. For more information, see Asset from template.   

  • Asset from a file:
    Use this option to create an asset from a file that is stored locally on your computer. Drag a file to the drag zone of the "Asset from file" tab, or click in the drag zone to select a file from a dialog. censhare Web creates an asset automatically and stores the uploaded file as the "Master file" of the new asset. Based on the configuration of your system, censhare Web checks files that you upload for duplicates. If a file already exists, you can select whether you want to create a new asset or use the existing asset. For more information, see Upload files .


To open a menu of system actions, click "Actions" in the top navigation. Based on the configuration of your system, the available actions vary:

  • Edit multiple assets:
    This action opens a wizard that helps you edit the properties of multiple assets at the same time. For more information, see  Edit multiple assets .

  • Create print document:
    This action opens a wizard that helps you create a print document from predefined templates. 

  • Create conversation:
    This action opens the "Create conversation" dialog. To create a new conversation asset, select the "New asset" tab and enter a name and optional description for the asset. To use a template, switch to the "Asset from template" tab and select the desired template. 

  • Create social media post:
    This action opens a wizard that helps you post content to a social-media channel. The social media channels must be configured for your system.

  • File upload:
    This action opens the "File upload" dialog. Use this dialog to drag or select files that you want to upload to your system. 

  • Import assets:
    This action opens the "Import asset" dialog. Use this action to import assets and properties from another censhare system. You can define which asset properties censhare Web includes in the import. By default, asset property values are not imported (all checkboxes are selected). To include properties data in the import, deselect the checkboxes of the desired properties. If your import contains properties that are not present in the master data of your system, censhare Web shows you which master data the import created. This message is purely informational, you do not need to adjust any settings. After a successful import, you receive a "Server action successful - Import assets" confirmation message. To locate the imported assets, click “Last created” in the side navigation. 

    The "Import assets" action imports files that are exported from a censhare system with the "censhare-assets" file extension. To add other files types, use the "Create asset" function or drag the files to the top navigation to upload them to your system.    

Search in censhare

To help you quickly and efficiently locate assets, censhare Web provides several search modes:

Quick search

To start a quick search, enter three or more characters in the search field in the top navigation. censhare Web predicts results automatically as you type. For more information, see Quick search

Advanced search options

Use the advanced search options to examine specific properties, create search queries with logical relationships, or clear all search filters. You can combine advanced searches with quick searches.



Opens a menu of advanced search options.

  • New search:
    Opens a blank search page with no filters or conditions. Use this option to begin a completely new search.

  • Detailed search:
    Use the Detailed search to search selected properties and workflows. For more information see Detailed search.

  • Expert search:
    Use the Expert search to connect search parameters with RELATION conditions and the operators AND, OR, and NOT. For more information, see Advanced search for detailed queries .        

User menu

The user menu contains options to manage your user profile and configure your personal workspace:

  • Show Profile:

    To open the asset that stores your user profile, select "Show profile". This asset contains your personal data and relationships to other assets. For more information, see Edit your personal profile

  • Preferences:

    To open the User preferences dialog, select "Preferences". In this dialog, you define general settings for your user account. For example, the user interface language and the day of the week on which your calendar begins. You can also adjust the default settings for translations, views, file uploads, and new assets. For more information, see User preferences

  • Reset preferences:

    To remove all changes that you make to your individual user preferences, select "Reset preferences". After a confirmation request, this action restores all user-preference settings to the default settings of censhare Web. 

  • Reset workspace:

    To remove all changes to the workspace of your user account, select "Reset workspace". After a confirmation request, all pages of your workspaces are reset to the default settings of censhare Web. For example, this action clears the items that you mark as "Favorites" and custom tabs on asset pages.

  • Change password:

    You can change your login password for censhare anytime. To change your password, select "Change password". Make sure you conform to any system-specific password rules that apply. The next time you log in, your new password is required.

  • Keyboard shortcuts:

    censhare Web offers several keyboard shortcuts that allow you to enter frequently-used commands directly on your keyboard. To view a list of predefined shortcuts, select "Keyboard shortcuts". For more information, see Keyboard shortcuts

  • About censhare Web:

    This option opens a dialog with key information about the censhare system that is currently in use: 



Build number        

Serial number of the current system.   

Server name        

Name of the server to which you are connected.        

Server state        

Current status of the server to which you are connected.       

Server Java version    

Java version that the server to which you are connected uses.       

User name    

The name of the user who is currently logged in to the system.    

OS version    

The version of the operating system that is installed on your computer.     

Browser information    

Name and version of the web browser that currently accesses censhare Web.     

Connection URL    

The web address through which you currently access censhare Web.    

  • Show system:

    This option opens that System asset of the current system. The System asset provides a wide range of key information and settings for your system. 

  • Log out:

    To log out of the system, select "Log out". This action ensures that your session is properly ended. We recommend that you select this option to end every session.


You can use the actions, wizards, and tools that are located in the top navigation of censhare Web.

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