Insert and arrange placeholders for special content on a censhare Web flatplan.
Flatplans are created and managed in the context of anIssueasset. In censhare Web, special content is placed onto the flatplan on theEditortab of the asset.
You have created and added content to a flatplan in censhare Web. For more information, seeFlatplan - key steps.
Coupons, stickers, and inserts are an effective way to capture the attention of potential customers and reinforce the loyalty of existing readers. Sheet markers let you add helpful information to sections of your flatplan. Careful placement of special content with the flatplan editor maximizes visibility and minimizes conflicts with other content in your publication.
In the flatplan editor, you can work with content on the page level or on the layout level. Based on the type of special content that you want to place or edit, you must select the appropriate level. censhare Web displays the insertion options that are available for the page or layout that is currently selected. To switch from one level to another, click outside of the content in the flatplan editor and then on the desired content element. Selected elements are highlighted in blue.
Modify insertions.
Coupons are placed on the layout level to an existing layout. The coupon placeholder is displayed across the bottom of the page.
To add coupons to your flatplan, in the flatplan editor, select one or more layouts on which you want to place the coupon. Selected layouts are highlighted in blue. To place a coupon on all of the pages in a multi-page layout, click any of the layouts one time. To place a coupon on a specific page of a muti-page layout, click the desired layout twice.
In the toolbar of the flatplan editor, click
and selectAdd coupon. TheAdd coupondialog opens.
Enter a name for the coupon and clickOK. censhare adds placeholders for the coupon on the selected layouts in the flatplan.
To change the name of a coupon, select the layout on which the coupon is placed. In the toolbar of the flatplan editor, click
and selectEdit coupon. In theEdit coupondialog, enter a new name for the coupon and clickOK. censhare updates the name of all instances of the coupon on the flatplan.
To remove a coupon from the flatplan, select the layout on which the coupon is placed. In the flatplan toolbar, click
and selectRemove coupon. After a confirmation request, censhare removes the selected coupon.
Note: We recommend that you only place coupons on one side of a double-sided page. Usually, coupons are located on the front side of the page. If you place coupons on both sides of a page, a warning icon displays on the flatplan editor.
Stickers are placed on the page level. Stickers are displayed as a rectangle in the center of the page and do not generate any placement warnings.
To add a sticker to your flatplan, in the flatplan editor, select the page on which you want the sticker to appear.
In the toolbar of the flatplan editor, click
and selectAdd sticker. TheAdd stickerdialog opens.
Enter a name for the sticker and clickOK. censhare adds the a placeholder for the sticker to the selected page of the flatplan.
To change the name of a sticker, select the page where the sticker is located. In the toolbar of the flatplan editor, click
and selectEdit sticker. In theEdit stickerdialog, enter a new name and clickOK. censhare updates the name of the sticker.
To remove a sticker, select the page where the sticker is located. In the toolbar of the flatplan editor, click
and selectRemove sticker. After a confirmation request, censhare removes the sticker.
Insertions are added on the page level. You can add an insertion between two sheets or in the center of the innermost sheet of the issue. For more information, seeFlatplan - sheets and binding options. Insertions are displayed vertically from the top to the bottom of a page on the flatplan.
To add an insertion to your flatplan, in the flatplan editor, select the page where you want to add the insertion.
In the toolbar of the flatplan editor, click
and selectAdd insertion. TheAdd insertiondialog opens.
Enter a name for the insertion and clickOK. censhare adds a placeholder for the insertion on the selected page of the flatplan.
To change the name of an insertion, select the page where the insertion is located. In the toolbar of the flatplan editor, click
and selectEdit insertion. In theEdit insertiondialog, enter a new name and clickOK. censhare updates the name of the insertion.
To remove an insertion, select the page where the insertion is located. In the toolbar of the flatplan editor, click
and selectRemove insertion. After a confirmation request, censhare removes the insertion.
Note: Insertions can only be placed between sheets or in the center of the innermost sheet of your flatplan. If you place an insertion elsewhere on the flatplan, a warning message displays.
Sheet markers
Sheet markers are placed on the page level. Use sheet markers to describe sections of your issue. These informational markers are displayed in front of all other elements on the flatplan. For example, a sheet marker can overlay an insertion placeholder.
To add a sheet marker, in the flatplan editor, select the page where you want to place the marker.
In the toolbar of the flatplan editor, click
and selectAdd sheet marker. TheAdd sheet markerdialog opens.
Enter a name for the sheet marker and clickOK. censhare adds the marker on the selected page of the flatplan.
To change the name of a sheet marker, select the page where the sheet marker is located. In the toolbar of the flatplan editor, click
and selectEdit sheet marker. In theEdit sheet markerdialog, enter a new name and click OK. censhare updates the information on the marker.
To remove a sheet marker, select the page where the sheet marker is located. In the toolbar of the flatplan editor, click
and selectRemove sheet marker. After a confirmation request, censhare removes the marker.
You can add and modify special content on a censhare Web flatplan.
Next steps
Place and edit different types of special content on your flatplan. Rearrange special content to achieve the desired result.
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