Edit ICML texts in the Editor for InDesign Documents
If you have opened a layout in the Editor for InDesign Documents, you can edit ICML texts that are placed there, directly in the editor. You do not open the respective text asset to edit the ICML text in there.
The Edit InCopy text button (1) in the action bar of a text box in the Editor for InDesign Documents
Try it
In the Editor for InDesign Documents, double-click the text box that you wish to edit. The action bar of the text box displays. ClickEdit InCopy text.
A dialog opens with the editor window of the Editor for InCopy Documents. Here you have the same options for editing that you have if you are editing texts in the related text asset.
Confirm your changes with SAVE. Select SAVE & CLOSE to save your changes, close the dialog and return to the Editor for InDesign Documents.
ClickRefresh in the general toolbar of the Editor for InDesign Documents to update the preview of the layout. Click SAVE or SAVE & CLOSE to save your layout with all changes.
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