Pin assets to pinboard
Use the pinboard to store assets in a central location. Access it from all asset, search or application pages.
The pinboard offers you a central location in censhare Web, for storing and collecting your assets for later use. The pinboard allows you to access a variety of application pages, search pages and asset pages, at any time. For example, you can compile text elements and images for a layout. While editing a layout, drag the elements directly from the pinboard into the layout. Or drag-and-drop an asset from the pinboard to any open assets.
Click the "Pinboard" icon to expand and collapse the pinboard. When a dialog opens in a separate window, the pinboard automatically collapses so you have a better view of the dialog in which you want to edit asset details.
You have a number of different options to add assets to the pinboard and to access them. You can also execute a number of different actions on pinboard assets. You can call these actions directly from the pinboard action bar.
The pinboard (1) in expanded state with three assets pinned (7). The action bar (6) includes the action icons "Create group asset" (2), "Download file" (3), "Create Shared Link" (4), and "Clear pinboard" (5).
Display on pinboard
Assets are only placed on the pinboard via a link and not moved there. Every asset on the pinboard is displayed through an image, the name of the asset and the asset type. The image is either the preview image of the asset or an icon for the asset type. censhare sorts assets on the pinboard by the time at which they were added.
Add assets to the pinboard
There are several ways to add assets to the pinboard. Possible methods for accessing assets depend on the widget or editor.
Drag-and-drop from a search page: You can select one or more assets from the asset list on a search page. Drag the assets down onto the pinboard and drop them. For more information, see Asset lists in censhare Web. If the pinboard is not yet opened, it expands automatically.
Drag-and-drop of asset title: You can use the asset title on an open asset page to pin the asset to the pinboard. Click the asset page title and icon on the open asset page, drag the icon onto the pinboard. The icon changes to a file icon. When you drag it onto the pinboard, a plus sign indicates that you can drop it. The currently opened asset including its asset context has been added to the pinboard. The asset is neither copied nor moved. Only an alias is created on the pinboard. If the pinboard is not yet opened, it expands automatically.
Page actions menu: You can add an asset opened on an asset page to the pinboard by way of the Page actions menu. censhare displays a message that the asset was added to the pinboard. formmore information, see Common actions.
Each asset is added and displayed at the beginning of the list. censhare sorts the assets on the pinboard according to the time at which they were added.
Access assets
You can access assets on the pinboard at any time.
Tip: An asset remains on the pinboard until you remove it manually.
If the pinboard contains more elements than censhare is able to display on the pinboard in the main window, a scroll bar appears at the bottom of the pinboard. Scroll left and right until you can access the asset you want.
Click the "Pinboard" icon

Asset chooser dialog
The asset chooser dialog provides you with different filter lists for displaying assets in the dialog's asset list. The dialog also includes the pinboard. Go to the asset chooser dialog and click the Pinboard entry at the top. In the dialog window, the assets from the pinboard are displayed. Depending on the application context, you now select one or more of the assets from the list.
For more information, see Working with the asset chooser.
Actions for pinboard assets
Various actions are available for the pinboard assets. Some of them, you can call directly from the action bar at the right edge of the pinboard. The following actions are available:
Action | Icon | Access |
Drag-and-drop via Side navigation | ||
Save assets in a group | ![]() | Icon in action bar |
![]() | Icon in action bar | |
![]() | Icon in action bar | |
Remove assets from pinboard | ![]() | Icon in action bar |
Clear pinboard | ![]() | Icon in action bar |
Create asset relations
You can drag-and-drop any asset from the pinboard to create a relation to any open asset. The asset to be related must be displayed in the Side navigation under "Open". For example, this allows you to quickly set the main image for a media asset. For further information, see Relate assets via Drag-and-Drop.
Save assets in a group
censhare allows you to save the current state of your pinboard, including all the assets you've stored there. To do this, create a group asset. All assets on the pinboard are then linked to that group.
Click "Create group asset" icon in the pinboard action bar to the right. A dialog opens. In the dialog, enter a name for the group, and confirm with OK. This creates the group and links all assets on the pinboard to the group.
To access the assets in a group, open the group asset in an asset page. The "Assignments" widget on the "Overview" tab lists all assets which were stored on the pinboard at the time the group was created. You can call the following actions from the widget for every asset in the group: "Asset preview", "Open asset", "Remove asset from group".
Download asset files
You can download the files for the pinboard assets. Click the "Download files" icon on the pinboard action bar to the right. Confirm or modify the selection of assets and file types. Click OK to start the download.
For more information, see Download files.
Create a shared link
censhare Web enables you to release files saved in assets to users who do not actually have access to censhare. These files are made available to these users as download links or on landing pages. Click the "Add shared link" icon on the pinboard action bar. A wizard guides you through the next steps. For further information, see Create shared link.
Remove asset from pinboard
To remove an asset from the pinboard, select the asset from the pinboard. An X icon is shown in the top right corner of the asset. Click the icon to remove the asset from the pinboard. The asset itself remains unchanged. Assets which you delete or move to the trash, are no longer displayed on the pinboard. If you restore an asset from the trash which was previously on the pinboard, the asset is displayed on the pinboard again.
Clear pinboard
To remove all assets from the pinboard at once, click the "Clear Pinboard" icon in the pinboard action bar to the right. A confirmation dialog appears:Click OK to confirm that you do want to remove all assets from the Pinboard. Click CANCEL to abort the action.
You are now acquainted with all information necessary for working with the pinboard.