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Monitor database performance

Monitor the two databases - native PostgreSQL/Oracle and the embedded cdb.

PostgreSQL and Oracle


  • Optimize CDB - fast index rebuilding

    The censhare embedded database (CDB) saves resources through compression and fast rebuilding of the index. In addition, find comprehensive statistics to evaluate the data structure.

  • Optimize CDB - adjust feature indexes

    Adjust the indexes in the censhare database (CDB). Use config.xml (AssetStore).

  • Rebuild cdb

    How to rebuild the censhare embedded database (cdb) based on a Linux operating system.

  • Embedded censhare database (cdb)

    The cdb is the in-memory graph database of censhare and stores a real-time copy of the central metadata plus locally managed indexes for fast searching and read access without requests to the external relational database.

  • cdb performance optimization

    Improve the performance of the cdb by adjusting compression level and index configuration.

  • Rebuild cdb

    How to rebuild the censhare embedded database (cdb) based on a Linux operating system.

  • Embedded censhare database (cdb)

    The cdb is the in-memory graph database of censhare and stores a real-time copy of the central metadata plus locally managed indexes for fast searching and read access without requests to the external relational database.

  • cdb performance optimization

    Improve the performance of the cdb by adjusting compression level and index configuration.

  • Optimize CDB - fast index rebuilding

    The censhare embedded database (CDB) saves resources through compression and fast rebuilding of the index. In addition, find comprehensive statistics to evaluate the data structure.

  • Optimize CDB - adjust feature indexes

    Adjust the indexes in the censhare database (CDB). Use config.xml (AssetStore).

  • cdb performance optimization

    Improve the performance of the cdb by adjusting compression level and index configuration.

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