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Virtual File System (VFS)

What a VFS does

With the Virtual File System (VFS), censhare supports accessing assets and their content as if they were stored on a local drive. If not hidden, the VFS displays as a separate drive in the Apple Finder or Windows Explorer. 

When users drag and drop files from censhare into another application, the VFS delivers a path to the file. The path, in turn, allows access to the file via VFS. Assets that users drag from the censhare Client into an external application are available in the system in a read-only mode, just like on an external hard disk. Users do not have to export them first. Write access to the VFS, for example, to update a file, is not available.

Assets that you drag manually to the desktop can replace an export. However, if the file paths in layouts are to be converted to local paths, for instance, for working with the InDesign layouts without the censhare Client running at the same time, use the censhare Export dialog. Users of the censhare InDesign solution can thus mostly work with it as if they were working locally in Adobe InDesign without censhare. The complete Undo/Redo functionality or the placement tool from Adobe is also available. Mac users can drag assets directly into the system's Open dialog to open the assets in an external application.

How to install a VFS

censhare Client installers install a virtual file system automatically. Therefore, no additional action is required. 

Control options for developers and admins

In the Admin mode, the Client offers a full set of control options for developers and admins. If the client runs in Admin mode, the "Admin" menu displays on the top right. It contains the "Virtual File System" menu item. Here, you can clear the cache or unmount the VFS.

For more information, please feel free to check the following articles:

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